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DarkSenay & Jon (from Hak5) Euro Trip?


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I have been planning to go to EU in August and was discussing this on the IRC, and Jon expressed an interest in joining me for some travel after the EU meetup.

So here is the big question, where should we go, and who would be willing to put us up for a night or two during the whole endeavor?

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Assuming the meetup is held in the UK, I could drive you guys back across the channel (crossing price is for the vehicle, irrespective of amount of occupants) to Veenendaal, The Netherlands. I'd have to borrow a second matrass from my parents, and at least one of you'll have to sleep in the living room.

From my place it's a 10 minute crawl to the town center (which tends to come in handy for the trip back).

It's also a 10 minute walk to the local trainstation. From there it's a 30 minute train ride to Utrecht (which has a number of tourist attractions) and from there it's another 30 or so minutes by train to get into the heart of Amsterdam.

If we can manage to stand eachother I'd be happy to drive you guys to and from those places though I've never given a tour to anybody, and I don't have a clue what you guys would consider interesting.

And you won't have to feel like a freeloader. The only cost to me in this will be your food and the cost of the crossing. My job provides me with the car, and includes fuel in that deal (when you see the fuel prices here, you'll understand why that matters).

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