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The Difference between the basic wifi pineapple and the upgrade


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Hello, I'm a bit new to this so I'm not very educated on all of this yet. What is the difference between the mark 7 basic wifi pineapple and the mark 7 basic pineapple + ac tactical? Please get back to me as soon as possible, thank you.

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Oh okay thank you, sorry I must've missed that during my reading. One last question, what are the main differences between the wifi pineapple and wifi coconut? (other than that the coconut can sniff on and 14 channels) Is it able to run things like deauth attacks and evil portals or does it only sniff?

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Alright thank you, is there anyway I can buy just the tactical pineapple without the MK7AC adapter, Hak5 carry case, limited edition skins and Hak5 keychain?

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