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DUCKY_LANG Spanish Keyboard Layouts Problem and a new es.json layout

Snake Plissken

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Hello! I'm new in this forum, also I'm new using the Rubber Ducky. I was trying some examples and couldn't make them work. I realized there was some missing or wrong symbols writteng instead of the ones in the payload. I have loaded the correct es.json. I have bee investigating and finally made one .json that works for me!

I would like to share my version, and I would appreciate feedback, if it is useful to someone else.


  "0": "00,00,27",
  "1": "00,00,1e",
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  "]": "40,00,30",
  "\\": "40,00,35",
  "{": "40,00,34",
  "}": "40,00,31",
  "º": "00,00,35",
  "Ç": "02,00,31",
  "ç": "00,00,31",
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  "COMMAND-CTRL-SHIFT": "42,00,30",
  "COMMAND-CTRL": "42,00,30",
  "COMMAND-OPTION-SHIFT'": "42,00,30"


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