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Current location through link with user confirmation


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Hallo Zusammen!

Ich brauche für ein Kundenprojekt einen Link über den ich den aktuellen Standort des Devices herausfinden kann.

Der Standort soll natürlich nur ausgelesen werden, sofern der Benutzer dies bestätigt hat.

Wie ist sowas möglich?


Hello Together!

I need a link to find out the current location of the device for a customer project.

Of course, the location should only be read out if the user has confirmed this.

How is this possible?

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You will most likely need to be more specific about the scenario. For example; What kind of device? In what way is the device getting hold of the location? How precise/accurate does the location need to be? Where should the device location be reported/stored? In what way should the user confirm it all? One time? Each time the location is read? Etc.

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