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Evil Portal Module only works on initial Wifi connection...


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Is it normal that the Capture Portals using the 'Evil Portal' module only work the first a device connects? I have tested a view devices on an open wifi using pineapple mkVII, and the devices bring up the capture portal first time they connect to the wifi, but following that they bypass. Only way to reset is to reboot pineapple and then the devices see the portal one more time. I am using the standard github portals with Starbucks, Google etc.

Does anyone know a way to make the devices see the portal each time the connect??



Yes, it's normal. To change this you can most likely achieve this by changing the Evil Portal module and not make it add an iptables rule for each client so that they aren't added to the "Allowed Clients" list (or, simply removing the IP address of the client in the portal web UI each time they are added).


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