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How to connect to a computer in arming mode


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After reading the documentation, I am not sure how is one supposed to connect the new RubberuDucky to a computer without triggering the payload. Is there a way the button might help with this ? If so, I could not figure it out, and was not able to plug the RubberDucky without my payload being executed first...

Thanks a lot for any help !

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Thanks for the fast reply !

Indeed, there is a clear documentation, but this is more about « going into attack mode using the button ». What I’d love to do is instead, like you said, « not going into attack mode using the button ». The use case would be to have the device ready to be used to trick people by dropping it somewhere  for instance, but to be able to deactivate the payload using the button if needed. There would be no way to do this according to you ?

thanks for your help anyways !

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4 minutes ago, paupaulaz said:

« not going into attack mode using the button »

That's described in the docs


By default, if no other button command is currently in use, pressing the button during payload execution will make the USB Rubber Ducky stop any further keystroke injection. It will then become an ordinary USB flash drive, commonly referred to as "arming mode".


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for me this is still a bit different: one has to quickly enough press the button after connecting in order for the "the USB Rubber Ducky [to] stop any further keystroke injection", which is different.. Depending the payload, this could be something you would not want to run on your development machine, even for its first keystrokes before interrupting. So there's probably no solution to my exact problem but thanks a lot for pointing these workarounds anyways !

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