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Rubber ducky is work if the windows disable the autoplay,autorun and run by group policy editor?


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Not sure exactly what you mean but I guess you want to know if the Ducky can operate even if any autorun (ish) features are disabled/blocked on a target device. Well, the Ducky is mainly a keyboard, so autorun shouldn't be a part of the equation. The Ducky types (in perspective of the target), it doesn't execute in that kind of way. Even if attackmode storage is used, autorun features shouldn't be needed.

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You can do a lot with the Ducky, but it is not a hacking wizard that automatically erases every cybersec defense that it encounters. Read the documentation about the Ducky to get the full extent of possibilities and limitations. From what you are describing; no, the Ducky can't do what you hope it could do.

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