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2.1.3 how to shut down properly now?


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4 hours ago, dark_pyrro said:

The shutdown option being removed is a part of the release notes of 2.1.3


Using poweroff won't truly shut the Pineapple down fully either. It will kill things, but not turn it off.


4 hours ago, dark_pyrro said:

The shutdown option being removed is a part of the release notes of 2.1.3


Using poweroff won't truly shut the Pineapple down fully either. It will kill things, but not turn it off.

Thank you! Is there any way to shut it off properly or is this the closest way now. 

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Since the hardware doesn't have the features needed to fully shut the Pineapple down, using poweroff is the closest way that I know of. But, as said, it won't power the Pineapple off. If you run poweroff with the web UI loaded in a browser, you can still access the UI but things are just spinning/trying to load in the UI indicating that some things are still alive but some are probably killed. I will probably use the button script to do the poweroff anyway so that it's at least possible to do a sync and shut down/kill some processes. I guess you have to work pretty hard to really crash any storage device on the Pineapple though.

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The button script an ordinary and simple bash script, you could do anything (within the boundaries of what's available on the Pineapple/OpenWrt). If changing it, you might need to check in /etc/pineapple (where it's actually stored/located) that it is executable. I've changed it in the web UI and sometimes it resets the executable flag of the file. Haven't investigated further why that might happen. I have just enabled execution for the file in the terminal.

halt - halts the system

poweroff - halts the system and then powers it off (but since there is no way of actually powering it off, it works more or less like halt)

You can run "poweroff --help" and "halt --help" in the terminal to see the (short) explanation.

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There are endless resources online about how to script in bash and if you are a coder, well, then it's not at all difficult to get up and running.

I'd just edit the current script and add poweroff (or halt) instead of reboot. Perhaps a short sleep after the sync but that shouldn't really be needed.

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Excellent I will start my hunt to learn bash in my free time. Thanks! And oh okay so it literally is just as simple as switching that one word out in the current reboot script (poweroff or halt for reboot). Perfect. That's all I really need for now. I am going to pursue learning the bash language because I recently purchased a Bash Bunny as well. Thanks again for your help.



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6 hours ago, SKiZZ said:

If it's any consolation I've used pineapples for probably 10 years now and never had an issue just pulling the plug. I can't I ever even tried used the shutdown portion.

Excellent thanks for the tip. I’m new to the device and am fairly new to the bash language. I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t harming the device or doing anything improper. Thanks again!



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