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O.M.G cable payload


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  • 2 months later...

If the end you're plugging into a mobile device is the active end, then yes....the possibilities are endless. That is in terms of pen testing and education...on a device you own.....and never ever to dip your toe into the dark-side; however, I hear they serve cookies there now.

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Have tons of questions about the omg cable

I want to get into a Android phone Galaxy s21

1 do I need the key logger extra

2 does it only record keystrokes when its plugged in the phone.

3 Im gone alot if I log in  once a week will it save everything or can I only see what's there when I'm the mile away and logged in

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6 hours ago, David 1718 said:

Have tons of questions about the omg cable

I want to get into a Android phone Galaxy s21

1 do I need the key logger extra

2 does it only record keystrokes when its plugged in the phone.

3 Im gone alot if I log in  once a week will it save everything or can I only see what's there when I'm the mile away and logged in


1 - it depends if you want to use the keylogger functionality described in the link above
2 - it records keystrokes from a keyboard, as detailed above
3 - it holds 650,000 keystrokes (see above instructions). You do not need to be connected to the web interface, it stores keystrokes directly do the storage inside the cable. The full log can be viewed by connecting to the web interface. 

And if you want to send payloads to a mobile device, you'll want one of the cables that can deliver mobile payloads (ex: C to C Directional)

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  • _MG_ changed the title to O.MG Cable use
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, I need to know what I can do with a ctoc connected to a MacBook air.. may I have access to password or app or browser.. may I unlock MacBook?

I had my Mac connected to a cable for a eeek but it’s not original and I think someone try to stole me something.. tell me more about or please tell me where I can found info about it

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  • _MG_ changed the title to OMG Cable Use
  • _MG_ locked and unlocked this topic
  • 1 month later...

The same way you would with a keyboard plugged into the phone. Plug a keyboard in and figure it out what keys you need to press to go into contacts and upload them somewhere, and then you program your cable to do that. There's no magic "steal_phone_contacts" function.


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 1/13/2022 at 4:05 PM, _MG_ said:

And if you want to send payloads to a mobile device, you'll want one of the cables that can deliver mobile payloads (ex: C to C Directional)

are you saying that the one i have thats a usb A to usb C wont do payload injection, i am not  trying to be funny at all . i just not sure what i have will do anything cause i still havent got it to recognize  the cable. Mine is a A to C cable ,the C end has a light blue band around its C end, in all the pics i have seen of the cables ,i am yet to see another one like yhis one, with that blue band on the cable that is



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  • 2 months later...

So, I was thinking of ordering the O.M.G cable but I have one question in mind which is the following: Does the O.M.G cable only work when plugged into a laptop or PC charging a phone or can it also work like a regular charger with a head and connect it to electricity? Thanks.

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  • 4 weeks later...
17 hours ago, _MG_ said:

The active end of the cable is what deploys payloads.

So what you are saying is no payloads can be deployed to the device from the lighting connection end? This is not possible, so therefore it is not possible to breech an iphone using this O.Mg cable?

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 6/15/2022 at 2:58 PM, _MG_ said:

needs to be attached to the target device

Not certain OP has same confusion as my self but, I definitely understand one end of the OMG cable needs to be attached to the target device.  However my confusion as well as many others lies on the other end of the cable……must that end be plugged into a pc/laptop or can it be just plugged into a power supply, cloaking itself as nothing more then a simple charge cord, inject its payload. Log it’s keystrokes then at a later time me picked up by user and plugged into computer to view what payload has done?? 

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  • 4 weeks later...

If I understand it correctly, it depends on the scenario you're deploying. A directional cable can be deployed against a phone, IF the payload is written for that. The cable itself, shouldn't have any trouble with a standard charger, as long as the active end, is inserted in the target, and there's a way to trigger the payload.


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