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Hello, I bought the USB Rubber Duck Deluxe, plugged it into my PC and it was working normally... The pendrive folder appeared in explorer and I went to edit the injection file. I put a basic payload just to test, took the flash drive, put it again and it worked. The problem is that now it doesn't appear as an editable flash drive and I can't edit the injection payload... Can anyone help me?

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I'll make a guess here without know the details of the payload you loaded. It sounds like you copied over a classic DuckyScript payload, which does not include an ATTACKMODE command for HID and/or STORAGE. As such the USB Rubber Ducky defaults to ATTACKMODE HID and processes the keystroke injection. When it's done, the "pendrive" doesn't appear in explorer. This is totally normal.

Again, guessing here having not seen the armed payload, but I would assume pressing the button will reveal the "pendrive" once more. This is documented specifically in the Quack Start Guide at https://hak5.org/ducky — if you only read one article before hacking around, this is it.

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