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Launching apps in Android


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I'm trying to launch the browser (Chrome) and email app (Gmail) on an Android device.  The challenge is that using  the following approaches, the target system pulls up Google assistant, rather than the target application.

Example attempted commands:



Intended script:  (delays omitted)


This is tested on Oneplus 10 (android 11), Most recent full ParanoidAndroid release (Android 10) and Samsung Note 6 (Android 12).  In all cases, the Google assistant pops up and interferes with the script.

I want to simply launch the email and browser applications without invoking any other Android tools. Has anyone been successful here?


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5 hours ago, dark_pyrro said:

If you try to connect a (true) keyboard to the phone, does the shortcuts work? What language are the phones configured for? English UI or something else?

Yes, using a standard Logitech wireless keyboard, the Windows/Super key shortcuts work just fine and I can perform the Duckyscript manually.  Everything in my setup and test systems is a US keyboard configuration.

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Android is a "broken family", so it depends. I tried now (not with the Ducky but with a keyboard) and GUI b worked on 3 out of 4 devices (1 Samsung, 1 Sony, 1 Nokia but not on 1 Motorola). GUI e worked on all of them. The result should be the same with the Ducky, so I didn't test that specifically. If you can't do it using a "real" keyboard, then I guess the problem isn't because of some issue with the Ducky. I would most likely try other possible key combos to see if it's anything else other than GUI b that opens the browser for those specific Android devices.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all, just got my new ducky in the mail and it is working like a charm. I am testing with some Android payloads that basically open the browser navigates to youtube an plays the video aka "Rick-roll" I got it to work on my Galaxy Note 20 Android 10 OS. My question is does someone have a full list of the usable commands for the Androids? I would like to create my own scripts but cannot find all the commands in one list. 


On another note wouldn't it be nice to have emulators for testing the scripts? Having to generate the payloads for every small change loading to the ducky and testing is time consuming lol... but fun I must confess.  


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It's telling that a quick Google search for "Android keyboard shortcuts" yields a 12 year old CNET article as the first result...

I recall at some point in my security research rabbit hole finding an official source, but a quick look is coming up short. As is the fragmented Android ecosystem. 

I'd link to the common articles that spell out the keyboard shortcuts various people "have found" — but you'll see them from the link above. If anyone comes across a more official list, I'd be keen to see them as well.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I have connect a keyboard to my android, The Command key does what I wanted in the keyboard. I want to use Command on my script but can not seems to work. 

rubberducky 1 , does not understand COMMAND. It has to do with keyboard layout/ language ?

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I just got what you meant , I will try . I figured Alt+space does what I wanted too.


I guess I want to learn more on , how can I add new "commands" , just like COMMAND or GUI or anything else. is it possible to add my own. from my understanding , maybe can be done in the keyboard layout/ language ? 

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You can't add new commands to Ducky Script itself. The language files is just an interpretation of how key codes will be sent from the Ducky to the target when it acts as a keyboard. You can alter/change the language file (or add stuff if they are missing), but you can't really add anything that is "outside" a keyboard. If you can do things with a physical/normal keyboard attached to an Android device, then it can be done using the Ducky. There might, however, be situations when certain keys/chars or key combinations are missing for some languages, and in such cases, it's possible to add those to the language file. You need to be more specific about your needs if you want a more specific answer.

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Thank you for your reply. I was trying to use COMMAND ( apple keyboard). I saw the keyboard file have it, but whenever I use it, it gives me an error. Sorry for my lack of knowledge, I did not know where to look. I did not know if it was a keyword file thing or Ducky Script. 

I will look for list of all command in the Ducky Script, and I will try to find more info in the keyboard/language.

I connected an apple keyboard to my android, when I pressed the Command button , it opened the help menu in the android. So I was trying do use COMMAND in the script, but gave me error. I looked at the language file, It had COMMAND. So It was confusing for me. I did not understand my problem was the language or because am using Ducky Script 1. ( maybe COMMAND works with script v3 ).

Your reply helped a lot, I know now what info I have to research.

Thank you

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What error message did you get and where did you get it?

Do you want to make the Ducky press/send the COMMAND key only, or in combination with some other key (such as "COMMAND z")?

Since you say you are using "Ducky Script 1", is this the 2nd gen (new) USB Rubber Ducky or the older 1st gen USB Rubber Ducky?

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its an old Rubber Ducky, 

yes I just wanted to Send COMMAND nothing with it.

I will be honest, In the Rubber Ducky , it does not show me anything. so I put my file in the Flipperzero, so I can edit the file from my mobile so i can test faster.

when it reach the link COMMAND, it stops and say Error.


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Since it's the 1st gen (older) Ducky, this should be posted in the forums section that covers the old "classic" Ducky. It's just confusing when trying to help and troubleshoot when assuming it's about the 2nd gen Ducky since the post in being made in that section of the forums.

Running it on the Flipper won't be of much help since it's not a product that is licensed with true Ducky Script (Hak5). It just runs something similar, "copy-cat" style.

As far as I remember, there was no support for only pressing modifier keys in Ducky Script 1.0. It was implemented in Ducky Script 3.0 that is just operational on the new 2nd gen USB Rubber Ducky (using INJECT_MOD). Yes, I remembered correctly, I entered INJECT_MOD and HOLD/RELEASE in PayloadStudio now and changed the setting to just allow Ducky Script 1.0 code and it complained straight away.

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