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Up-to-date Hak5 C2 Cloud Guide for Ubuntu?


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Dose anyone have an Up-to-date Hak5 C2 Cloud Guide for Ubuntu?

I got my C2 up and running easy on http 8080 but it all went completely wrong when trying to get my domain working with 443. I've kind of given up on this as the only really helpful guide I found on the forum was dated 2019. 

The code that works for me is as follows and is from the original Youtube video 

wget https://c2.hak5.org/dl -q -O c2.zip && unzip -qq c2.zip && \
IP=$(curl -s https://checkip.amazonaws.com) && \
echo "Copy the below setup token and browse to http://$IP:8080" && \
./c2-*_amd64_linux -hostname $IP

I'm happy with this as it just works and I don't intent to have my EC2 instance online all the time.

One thing I would like to do is install it as a service so that when I restart the server it will come online, can I do this with the following?

sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/hak5.service

And then edit the file as follows

Description=Hak5 C2
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/c2_community-linux-64 -hostname IPAddressORHostname -listenport 8080 -db /var/hak5c2/c2.db

Or start and stop service

/etc/init.d/hack5.service stop

/etc/init.d/hack5.service start


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Ahh just noticed as well the version I have in /usr/local/bin/ is different to my script, I changed the /etc/systemd/system/hak5.service to the correct C2 version and it all came up. I had to use a new Token though once it started!!

ubuntu@ip-x.x.x.x:/usr/local/bin$ ls
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Not sure if your "Ahh" reaction in the second post was an indicator that all of your problems was solved. Anyway, if you want to set it up successfully with https, it's all described in the documentation.


Setting it up as a service is also documented.


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20 minutes ago, dark_pyrro said:

Not sure if your "Ahh" reaction in the second post was an indicator that all of your problems was solved. Anyway, if you want to set it up successfully with https, it's all described in the documentation.


Setting it up as a service is also documented.


Yes I got it working fine but then realised some of the limitations of running it in AWS and using 443 🙂

I wanted to see if the service had installed correctly so I shutdown the EC2 and then restarted only to realize my error and that the public IP had changed so my DNS records where now wrong. 😁 Thanks for the links BTW 

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