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Shark Jack Battery Source

C. Monkey

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I bought my SJ when it first came out, and then didn’t use it until very recently (life got in the way). Now when I attempt to charge it, it blinked blue for a bit then went solid, as expected. Unplugged, switched to arming and….nothing.

Montage as I screw with it for a bit - charging again, connecting to it while plugged in to update firmware, etc.  Still nada when unplugged.

So, I popped it open (thank you for not glueing it shut, BTW), and found the battery in full scale spicy pillow mode! O.O


Anyway, I’m way past warranty, I know, so fine. But does anyone know where I can source a replacement battery? Looks like a doable soldering job, if I can find the cell.

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You should be able to find a replacement on (for example) Amazon. I did some searching a while ago and there seemed to be alternatives available.

The battery "specs" are available in the docs

"1S 401020 3.7V 50mAh 0.2W LiPo"

The soldering job shouldn't be difficult at all (as said).

Battery management is always a good thing, undercharging will most often result in a blowfish instead of a shark.

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