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Emptying Key Croc Loot Folder???


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What is the best way to empty the loot folder? I have read the documentation on Key Croc. It says this "udisk [ mount | unmount | remount | reformat ]" under the Command Quick Reference" but I am unsure where I should place this command. . . Of course I am a newb but doing my best to learn. If someone can point me in the right direction I would be grateful.

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Hey, thanks for being willing to educate me. I guess just emptying the folder in in general. . . I have been practicing and learning with the key croc so there is a ton of "test" loot that has been collected. So if I were going to now employ the key croc on a new test target, I don't want the logs from the first test target getting confused with the new secondary target.


Does that make sense?

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Well, it's just a matter of deleting (or moving) the files from the loot directory of the Croc. Put it in arming mode and then delete/move the contents of the loot dir. I can't see why it would be more complicated than that. There is a /root/loot directory as well but that should only be used when in attack mode (and then synced when entering arming mode).

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Ok that makes sense. Per usual I was making something more difficult than it needed to be. I was just apprehensive to delete any files from inside the loot folder because I was concerned it would render the device useless. I have messed up things in the past by screwing around with the structure of files so I was being cautious.

Thank you for your help. I really appreciate it.

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