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Moving from using Zenmap in Windows to using nmap in Kali


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I am moving from using Zenmap in Windows to using nmap in Kali. This should be very simple but I am hung up on it. Trying to do a list input scan to a list output scan. Both lists are in the base nmap folder. No matter how I type it into console I keep getting " Failed to open input file 2-8-iplist.txt for reading: No such file or directory (2) ". I have tried it both ways below --> nmap -mtu 8 -sV -iL "2-8-iplist.txt" -oN "2-8-vulners.txt" --script vulners,smb-os-discovery --open <-- and -->nmap -mtu 8 -sV -iL "/usr/share/nmap/2-8-iplist.txt"-oN "2-8-vulners.txt" --script vulners,smb-os-discovery --open<-- . Can someone explain what I am not doing that I should be doing. Thanks!

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