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Do me a favor and go to a gay bar and call everyone faggots then walk up to a black guy and call him a nigger. While your at it just fire out a bunch of other slurs towards people. Get some video evidence of this and return back to the board. Then i'll agree with your free speech thing and explain while your bleeding from a few 100 holes the words Discrimination, defamation of character, common sense, and common decency.

I've done that before and other people have called me with racial slurs. NO ONE BLED.

BTW last time i checked free speech works both ways which means i can defend what i think is wrong. In my opinion for any half decent educated human being to walk around spouting off slurs in random directions because some where along the line they read the first amendment is just stupid. Anyone with half a brain a little bit of common sense knows yeah your protected in saying whatever the fuck you want (out side of terrorist threats) but they also know that it's pretty shitty to go around using these terms towards other people. See how that works. Just because you can doesn't mean you have to.

I'll defend my freedom of speech till the day i die but i will also defend the rights of any person to feel comfortable in a public place free of slurs and bullshit. Saying whatever the fuck you want in your own home is one thing but to take it public you run the risk of not only offending but also discriminating against someone for there beliefs or who they are. If you cool with that fine be an asshole and see where that gets you in life.

Seriously dude, you sound like those Muslims who says they're all for free speech, yet gets all upset over some stupid Mohammad cartoons.

Thats the last thing i am saying on that subject. I have been trying to talk sense into people like you since i was in high school defending my friend who was gay from idiots that think throwing around the word faggot like dude or what's up is an acceptable thing to do. My friend was on the verge of suicide from people that thought it was ok to use that word and others. You can have free speech all you want but using it to hurt people or just because you think it's no big deal is pretty fucked up.

Also just a word of thought. The last time i heard a phrase similar to "If it hurts your eyes to read the N word, turn off the internet, don't watch any movies, and throw away your TV set." It was on a show for HBO a while back on the KKK talking about what blacks should do if they didn't like them in there town. Might want to chose your words a tiny bit better next time.

Just my opinions. Take them as you will. Freedom of speech is fun isn't it.

You're an idiot. Regardless if those words came from a KKK member, me, or even your mother, if you don't like it, get the fuck out of here. Stop being the internet hall monitor, you asinine piece of shit. There, I called you a "piece of shit", go fucking cries your eyes out.

Crybaby. :roll:

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Oish! Time out people, I got char-grilled just reading this thread... noticing people are getting a bit sensitive lately, y'all might wanna chill out a bit!

Person X has an opinion, Person Y has one too. If you can't agree, agree to disagree.

This is not a verbal boxing ring, people!

Locked, I think them sausages are just about done... who's got the ketchup?!

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