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OpenBSD file server to hide all your porn from your parents. All you really need to do is read a book or two on OpenBSD and get hold of an old PC.

Thats a good one alright... don't forget the obligatory ASCII art /etc/issue.:)

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OpenBSD file server to hide all your porn from your parents. All you really need to do is read a book or two on OpenBSD and get hold of an old PC.
I think metatron needs to do a article for Analog.5 on OpenBSD or Debian or something
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OpenBSD file server to hide all your porn from your parents. All you really need to do is read a book or two on OpenBSD and get hold of an old PC.
I think metatron needs to do a article for Analog.5 on OpenBSD or Debian or something

I would be really keen to read such an article so I hope you do it man!

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I wouldn’t mind writing an article but I’m not sure what level the average reader of Analog.5 is. The problem with writing an article on *NIX is that I can go into a huge amount of detail so anyone with an ounce of intelligence can follow and understand or I can give a overview of the more complex tasks.

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I wouldn’t mind writing an article but I’m not sure what level the average reader of Analog.5 is. The problem with writing an article on *NIX is that I can go into a huge amount of detail so anyone with an ounce of intelligence can follow and understand or I can give a overview of the more complex tasks.

Perhaps an introductory article with regular follow ups to guide the noobs (like me) issue by issue. A running column would be sweet.

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u r 14, i am 14, u do just one thing,

go to any local website and go to page http://www.anysitenamehere.com/admin/ and then enter admin as username and ='or''=' as password, u will be logged in!

it's only for few vulnerable websits on web... as http://www.uninformed_admin.org/admin/

Cooper: Changed vulnerable URL to protect the guilty.

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Learning LAMP is always handy. Find a dirt cheap old PC. Install linux and the LAMP packages. Play. There is a great series of youtube videos for doing just that that makes it pretty simple to learn the command line way of doing it.


Then pick up some books on PHP and start making scripts. PHP skills come in handy and who knows by the time your out of school if it's still around and you have kept up on it you could get a job writing PHP.

Tons of online help as well as books to help you on your way.

If you don't wanna go the linux route drop the ruby on rails stuff on your windows box and play with it. Leo Leporte is always recommending learning this to young people on CFH and his radio show so i figure it's worth saying.

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I wouldn’t mind writing an article but I’m not sure what level the average reader of Analog.5 is. The problem with writing an article on *NIX is that I can go into a huge amount of detail so anyone with an ounce of intelligence can follow and understand or I can give a overview of the more complex tasks.

The level the first issue was set at was great, TomB's C/C++ tutorial was cool too, though I already knew all of that it would be great for other users.

Personally me *nix level is finding out that terminal is a very useful tool and that I don't need a GUI, though I'm not quite up to compiling my own kernal or installing WiFi drivers for my USB WiFi adaptor yet. Maybe you could do something on that Metatron?

A good first project is learning C, Deadoll07 :)

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i dont have alot of money seen as im only 14.. im young yes,also nothing to difficult

so am i saunter... but i run my own IPTV show :) ( www.1337computers.co.nr )

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I don’t want to insult anyone, but generally speaking if you don’t know enough about a subject it’s not a good idea making a show about it and even when you do, if you have no personality or inherently unlikeable it's a bad idea.

There is far too much bad content on the internet and the world doesn’t need more of it. I have nothing against people messing around with their friends, filming it and sticking it on YouTube, but call it what it is and don’t try and dress it up as anything of substance.

If you want to learn video/audio production then fair enough, go nuts.


*NIX is the easiest and cheapest place to start and will help to teach you the fundamentals of computers and networking/ communication. I would probably then look into expanding your knowledge of networking and the surrounding protocols.

I would then learn some programming Java isn’t a bad place to start, maybe some Perl and then C, C++ and ASM. Coding isn’t for everyone, some people hate it (I know a lot of sysadmin) but a basic understanding is a essential part of being involved with computers even if you can’t write anything.

Once you have grasped the things I have mentioned, I would look into electronics. The issue with this area is it involves spending some money but to start of, I would download some books from the internet and get a “copy†of Multisim and National Instruments LabVIEW just to play around with it and get one of those learning electronics kits you see at Radio Shack.

Once you have learned the basics you should have an idea what area/s you’re interested in and you can then investigate it in more detail.

As you only 14, I would say that there is a good chance that you will lose interest (girls/cars/sports/drugs) but I wish you luck.

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yo, ill admit the filming quality isnt great but thats why i work on it to improve it, the first ep's filiming quality was balax ill admit, the seconds was a big improvement and the third (out in about an hour or two) is even better.

I work at things to improve them. I dont even recall you TRYING to produce an IPTV show, and untill you do you dont have anyright to insult mine, as a lot of hard work goes into it.

The more productive thing for ou to do was to post on my sites forum or send me an email telling me of ways i could improve it, cos if your gona do it like this, guess what? Im still gona make them, you cant stop me.

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Im still gona make them, you cant stop me.

I adore that spirit. It's what makes indy media survive. There is a special "it" that creators have in they are able to take the punishment of people hating what they do and still work there ass off to do better. Make sure to keep that and just always try your best to do better.

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yo, ill admit the filming quality isnt great but thats why i work on it to improve it, the first ep's filiming quality was balax ill admit, the seconds was a big improvement and the third (out in about an hour or two) is even better.

I work at things to improve them. I dont even recall you TRYING to produce an IPTV show, and untill you do you dont have anyright to insult mine, as a lot of hard work goes into it.

The more productive thing for ou to do was to post on my sites forum or send me an email telling me of ways i could improve it, cos if your gona do it like this, guess what? Im still gona make them, you cant stop me.

I may only sleep four hours a day but I still don’t have the time to waste on a IPTV show (if you want to call it that) that only a handful of friends will watch and don’t have the balls to say it is a piece of shit. I’m not hear to blow smoke up anybody’s ass and the basic truth is, if you don’t have the cash/knowledge or you don’t have a team of people behind you writing what you need to say, it will be crap.

Lets say you wanted to make a good show and we are not talking about just the quality of the image and sound. You really do need to spend time researching/ coming up with a good subject, thinking about what you are going to say and writing it down. This can be done with a one man operation, but it is time consuming and nearly everyone will give up after a handful of shows. If you are doing some kind of video blog, where you are only expressing your views and musings then you don’t need to worry about any of this.

(This is targeted at all the shitty shows and the people that are thinking about making one. Think twice before you waste your time.)

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If ever there was a place for IPTV bashing this it it.

14 huh, i suggest learning to write batch,its not particularly hard, you feel you get results fairly fast and it encourages you to use the command line and learn switches.

HTML is also fairly easy, not that its used on its own much any more but it'll lead to an interest in xhtml, php, mysql and such. Not to mention setting up you own webserver which helps with a basic knowledge of ports, remote connection and basic admin.

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hmm uber_tom, is there any point in learning HTML over XHTML these days? the difference really isnt that much, just one allows for a lot more customosability (not a word).

And i just had a thought, because of your age, learning Flash ActionScript may be more fun, though sadly to do this u need a copy of Macromedia Flash (preferably 8).

So i would have to say whats already been said about learning, Batch, Web Basics (XHTML, MYSQL, PHP), mabye even java (though for web it seems to be on the way out [kinda])


Sorry bout going of topic, but this part realy bothered me:

I dont even recall you TRYING to produce an IPTV show, and untill you do you dont have anyright to insult mine

Doesnt he have all right to an opinion, and to voice that opinion? such as any one does?

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Sorry bout going of topic, but this part realy bothered me:
I dont even recall you TRYING to produce an IPTV show, and untill you do you dont have anyright to insult mine

Doesnt he have all right to an opinion, and to voice that opinion? such as any one does?

Dude this is the interweb its like its own country a country of freedom freedom to create, create crap, the freedom to flame, and flame crap.

One day I will rule the interweb rule you all with and iron fist and I will do the flaming and destoy any one that would flame me.

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Some shows are shit, some aren't. It's a matter of opinion and if someone says they didn't like your show, so be it. If everyone who watches it says it's bad then it's probably bad, if not, then well, it's at least worth working on.

If you wanna do a show, great, but never expect everyone to kiss-ass over it. I will say if I don't like a show and I've never made one. Does this mean my opinion's not valid? Of course not, I'm a viewer, part of the show's reason to exist, the audience. If I don't like it though, I could either say something or walk away... the latter being considerably less productive than the former, but if everyone walks away you might miss being able to improve it enough to maybe get a few more viewers.

Frankly though I've all but given up on a lot of new shows because people don't have (in my eyes, for my taste) the on-screen presence or knowledge to make something interesting to me, or I might just not be interested in the topic.

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Sorry bout going of topic, but this part realy bothered me:

I dont even recall you TRYING to produce an IPTV show, and untill you do you dont have anyright to insult mine

Doesnt he have all right to an opinion, and to voice that opinion? such as any one does?

Dude this is the interweb its like its own country a country of freedom freedom to create, create crap, the freedom to flame, and flame crap.

One day I will rule the interweb rule you all with and iron fist and I will do the flaming and destoy any one that would flame me.

:shock: are u having a go at me? all i was doing was backing up metatron

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