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Hak5 Elite Field Kit stolen: Any suggestions on ways to detect if something in it gets activated?


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   As the title says, my Hak5 field kit was stolen (amongst other things that were also stolen). Unfortunately, I didn't do much in the way of customized setups - at least not that I remember very well. So, there probably isn't much in the way of any existing "phone home" settings, except maybe on the pineapple which I do remember trying out a few things ... like ... 8 months ago or something.

  So, I'm wondering if anyone may have any ideas about how I might be able to detect if any of the goodies gets activated.



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Possibility for each device to be discovered if you don't know where it is:

WiFi Pineapple Mark VII - probably not since it needs to be pre-configured with a known WiFi network for it to be able to "call" somewhere and then also having it added to a Cloud C2 server

USB Rubber Ducky - not at all

Plunder Bug - not at all/very unlikely

Shark Jack - probably not since it needs to be added to a Cloud C2 server and it also needs to have C2CONNECT included in an active payload to connect + internet access

LAN Turtle SD - perhaps if you had a Cloud C2 server set up to which it was added and that the Turtle is connected to a wired network with internet access

Key Croc - probably not since it needs to be pre-configured with a known WiFi network for it to be able to "call" somewhere and then also having it added to a Cloud C2 server

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