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LTE qmi_wwan crashes the PS


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I have been playing with the PS for a while now. My goal was to provide mobile internet using a dongle through the available usb port. It turned out to be quite successfull using the 3g/umts protocol.

However, recently I was in situation where stronger signal was required and I wanted to switch protocols from 3g to lte. For the purpose I tried to assign the Modem ID of the dongle (Dlink DWM-222 A2) to the qmi_wwan driver but everytime I do that, the PS crashes and reboots. Any idea what could be the reason for that ?

Here are the commands that I issue initially in order to change the mode and assign modem id.

In both 3g and LTE:

# usbmode -s -v -c /etc/dlink.json

root@squirrel:~# cat /etc/dlink.json
        "messages" : [
                        "devices" : {
                                        "2001:ac01": {
                                                                "*": {
                                                                "t_vendor": 8193,
                                                                "t_product": [ 32309 ],
                                                                "msg": [ 0, 1, 2 ]

In 3g (serial protocol):

echo -n 2001 7e3d > /sys/bus/usb-serial/drivers/option1/new_id

In LTE (qmi protocol - CRASHES):

echo -n 2001 7e3d > /sys/bus/usb/drivers/qmi_wwan/new_id 

As I mentioned 3g works great, but the LTE crashes the entire PS..

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Latest update crashes things, I confirmed. I reflashed the PS with 21.02 from here: https://firmware-selector.openwrt.org/?version=21.02.0&target=ath79%2Fgeneric&id=hak5_packet-squirrel

and installing qmi_wwan driver works like a charm.

I would like then to request, if possible, a version upgrade for the PS some time soon ? (It seems its about time I think with the release of OpenWRT 21.02) 

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