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Alternative tested 5GHz adapters (sourcing troubles)


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Hey all,

I've just picked up a WiFi Pineapple Mark VII for a client project, and I'm pretty excited to get going with it.  Unfortunately I'm having trouble sourcing any of the adapters listed as tested & compatible on the compatibility page (https://docs.hak5.org/hc/en-us/articles/360054071133-Compatible-802-11ac-adapters).  They seem sold out pretty much everywhere, including the usual overseas suspects like AliExpress, Banggood and Ebay.

Has anybody had good luck with other adapters, either from the much longer list (https://deviwiki.com/wiki/Mt76) linked off the compatibility page or otherwise?  It would be sad if my brand new Pineapple were only half-useful for my client.

(Alternately, and a bit of a long shot, but, if anybody would be interested in selling me your compatible adapter—i.e. one from the Hak5 compatibility page—I would be willing to pay your original cost + 5-10% for your time and trouble + S/H.)

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Any MT7612U based adaptor will work out of the box with the latest WiFi Pineapple firmware.

Other MT76-driven adaptors will work with the right packages installed, which you can obtain from the Packages page in Modules -> Packages. (Such as the MT7610U based devices requiring the "kmod-mt7601u" package).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi yes, thanks for the response. As mentioned, I'm having real trouble finding any of the MT7612U-based adapters for sale.  Additionally, going through the list of MT76-family adapters (https://deviwiki.com/wiki/Mt76), the overwhelming majority are either end-of-life or simply disappeared.  The MT76 chipset family seems to be old and largely discontinued.  It would be nice if the next version of the Pineapple supported a more modern chipset family for which adapters are more readily available.

I did manage to find https://www.embeddedworks.net/wlan600/ where they are currently in stock, in case anybody else is having similar trouble.  Hopefully it will work for me.  There were a couple other MT76-family adapters for sale on sites like Amazon that didn't support external antennas, but I've had very bad luck with such adapters in the past and so I passed on them.

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On 10/19/2021 at 4:31 AM, kevinriggle said:

... the overwhelming majority are either end-of-life or simply disappeared.  The MT76 chipset family seems to be old and largely discontinued.  It would be nice if the next version of the Pineapple supported a more modern chipset family for which adapters are more readily available.

This is untrue. The MT76* chipset family still has active and well-liked chipsets, namely the 7612 and 7610. They're modern, but hard to get currently because of the global chip shortage.


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8 hours ago, Foxtrot said:

This is untrue. The MT76* chipset family still has active and well-liked chipsets, namely the 7612 and 7610. They're modern, but hard to get currently because of the global chip shortage.


Yeah, even the Raspberry pi is effected.


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/7/2021 at 12:09 PM, Foxtrot said:


Any MT7612U based adaptor will work out of the box with the latest WiFi Pineapple firmware.

Other MT76-driven adaptors will work with the right packages installed, which you can obtain from the Packages page in Modules -> Packages. (Such as the MT7610U based devices requiring the "kmod-mt7601u" package).

Hi Foxtrot, hope you are doing well.


Just, Wondering. I've purchased this adapter: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005001990880131.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.79434c4d1ZOVDu

which is MT7612U based. Nevertheless. none of my 2 mark 7 Pineapples identify the adapter.

Could you share some advice?

If possible.

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Are you sure it's really the 7612 chipset inside? What does the adapter report when issuing lsusb? Buying adapters today might be a bit of a gamble, especially from vendors that perhaps aren't that "honest" with what they are actually selling. Chip shortage may result in manufacturers grabbing what chipsets they can get hold of and put in their products. Also make sure that the adapter doesn't enumerate as some storage device. For some reason some adapters do and they need some hands on fixes to get them working, can't remember any details on that though. (You probably need to tag people if you want them to answer, I wouldn't advise to do that though since it can be pretty annoying to be tagged/alerted if the world isn't about cease to exist).

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