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Cant download evil portal dependencies


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Hi guys...

I have... had lots of trouble ever since I purchased the Pinneaple Mark 7...

However.... now I'm dealing with something else.... for some reason I can't download the evil portal module dependencies... and therefore I can't use it because of that.

The pineapple says that the module can’t connect to the internet…



but the pineapple does have internet since I can download every other module.

I’m thinking that perhaps there is a problem with the module hosting itself.

Could someone provide some help?

Best regards


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Okay this is what I had to do to make the portals work in the latest firmware version.

Step1: edit file: /usr/lib/pineapple/pineapple/helpers/network_helpers.py
and change the following line

def check_for_internet(url: str = 'https://downloads.hak5.org/internet', timout: int = 1, logger: Optional[Logger] = None) -> bool:


def check_for_internet(url: str = 'https://www.google.com', timout: int = 1, logger: Optional[Logger] = None) -> bool:

 then run the following command in the shell

opkg update

and reboot after

now the portals are working


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