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Bash Bunny Mark 2 problems.


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So after updating my mark 2 bash bunny, I ejected it and plugged it back in and now all it does is light up green twice, then go solid red. It doesn't show up as a USB device anymore either when I put it in arm mode. It acts like it is stuck in attack mode for some reason.  Also tried factory resetting it. That doesn't work either. It literally won't factory reset. Just the same light up green twice then solid red. Probably going to pop ot open to make sure the switch isn't messed up. Any advice would be awesome.  Thank you guys!

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I downloaded the bashbunny updater, placed it into the root folder of the bash bunny. I ran the updater and it said it was already to the newest version. 1.6 or 1.7 i believe.

After this i had followed a tutorial on youtube to try and set up a simple payload to test it out.

This is what i copied into the payload.txt for switch 2 or the middle switch....



LED R G 100

export HOST_IP=

nmap -O --fuzzy $HOST_IP >> /root/udisk/nmap.txt




After this all i did was unplug it, turn the switch to switch 2 or the middle switch and plug it back in and ive been stuck ever since.  It is stuck in ethernet mode but i cant ssh into it either.  Its like it is stuck running that payload or something. switching back to arming mode makes no difference either. It doesnt show up in my explorer any more, only as a ethernet device. I can modify the IP address but thats it.  SSH denies the default password "hak5bunny" every time.  Sorry if im repeating a lot of information but i have tried so many things. Just trying to give you guys as much information as possible. Thanks again!

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Since there are no official docs available yet, it's a bit "foggy" regarding what is the same as the Mk1 and not. Perhaps the factory reset procedure isn't exactly the same and that's why you aren't successful in resetting the Mk2. Contact Hak5 support and open a ticket. I wouldn't open the Bunny before I had done all what I can using Hak5 support. It would void warranty and limit (or eliminate) the chances of getting it replaced (if it's something truly wrong with it).

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I just wanted to update the thread to point out that the Bash Bunny documentation at https://docs.hak5.org applies to both the original and Mark II devices. Articles have been added specifically for the new functionality of the Mark II. The reset procedure has not changed from the original. We're working with @Driftwood8891to determine what's at fault here as there are no obvious signs from the payload executed.


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So I haven't been able to find a solution yet with my Bash Bunny.  It seems to be stuck in payload mode though so I decided to open the case to make sure that the switch looked alright along with the rest of the hardware.  I did find a broken inductor on the bottom side of the Bash Bunny (underneath the 3-way switch).  Not sure if this could be what is causing the problem or not.  The thing is is that my BB worked when i first plugged it in, but started the problem after updated and configured a payload. My best guess is the inductor was already going out and while it was plugged in and getting warm, broke, and then when i unplugged and switched it to test my payload.... nothing happens.  At this time i cant upload my picture for some reason but when im able to i will post some pictures.  I'm not expert when it comes to circuit boards so this is just my best guess.

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I think the restriction on uploading pictures is linked to the total number of posts you have made on the forums. I can't remember right now, but I think it's 5 posts or something. You should open a Hak5 support ticket in case you think it was (almost) a DOA. Not sure how it will be treated since you have opened the case though.

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So was able to get things figured out with support.  They are gonna replace the dead bunny.  Thank you Hak5 for the awesome support and thank you to everyone on the forum that helped out as well.

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