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Jackalope Not working for me


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I confirmed that the pc is getting an IP address via the BB DHCP.  But what I noticed is the RNDIS adapter gets created then for some reason falls out then gets created again.  After the second device connected sound it is stable.   I think that is why the nmap.log file says:

Starting Nmap 6.47 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2019-07-10 12:05 PDT
Nmap done: 1 IP address (0 hosts up) scanned in 1.24 seconds

I assume I need to add some delay into the script file to make it wait for the second device connect sound.  I'm just not getting that done successfully for some reason.  Any help is appreciated.  


Mine is getting hung up also. But it does complete the Nmap scan. then fails. 

Executing nmap...

(even though the nmap_results.txt shows the scan was completed: Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 14.49 seconds

Then I get the slow flashing Red LED.

I am 6 months into self teaching.

I have the Mark II Bash Bunny

Any help is more than welcomed. 


Follow the payload script code... slow flashing/blinking red LED = status FAIL, and that is used once in the payload in the EXPLOIT part. What does the log.txt file say?


PAYLOAD_DIR: /root/udisk/payloads/switch1
MSF_DIR: /tools/metasploit-framework
LOOTDIR: /root/udisk/loot/Jackalope//WIN-F2S2
TARGET_IP: 172.1
Executing nmap...

Starting Nmap 6.47 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2021-01-30 18:26 PST
Nmap scan report for 172.1
Host is up (0.00049s latency).
445/tcp filtered microsoft-ds
MAC Address: 00:11:22 (Cimsys)

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 14.58 seconds


yeah, ok, I forgot that you had the Mk2... I would probably insert "dummy" log entries after each line in the payload, just to narrow down where it all fails. Well, not after each line, but each line in the section where it most likely fails.

4 minutes ago, chrizree said:

yeah, ok, I forgot that you had the Mk2... I would probably insert "dummy" log entries after each line in the payload, just to narrow down where it all fails. Well, not after each line, but each line in the section where it most likely fails.

Excuse my ignorance what is a dummy entry?


well, I could be a bit more clear about that... 🙂 what I mean is that you just add lines that writes to the log file, for example:

echo "Payload executed line 81" >> $LOOTDIR/log.txt
command on line 83
echo "Payload executed line 83" >> $LOOTDIR/log.txt
command on line XX

and so on...



So here are my results:

PAYLOAD_DIR: /root/udisk/payloads/switch1
MSF_DIR: /tools/metasploit-framework
LOOTDIR: /root/udisk/loot/Jackalope//WIN-F2S2
TARGET_IP: 172.1
Payload executed line 67
Payload executed line 92
Executing nmap...


I got it to work. had to open 445 manually. My only question is how would one bypass that? I am just testing out the BB on my Windows-10 pc.


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