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Authenticated clients do not reconnect to Pineapple Mark 7 even after deauthentication


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  • Pineapple Mark 7 (v. 1.0.2)
  • Netgear router (Nighthawk AX8)
  • Huawei B818-263 4G router






  • Apple iPhone 5 (IOS 12.5.1)


Client and APs have been added to allow filter


  • Active mode
  • Advanced mode:
  1. Enable PineAP.
  2. Allow Associations.
  3. Capture SSIDs to pool.
  4. Beacon Response.
  5. Broadcast SSID pool.
  6. Log PineAP Event


Disassociated client device - Can see disassociation event in log

Shows in unassociated clients (wrongly as the client actually reconnects back to the same AP - can see on client wifi config)

Does not connect to Pineapple no matter what I do

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I answer the same way as I did to the question in the Nano section of the forum; I don't see that this is a real problem though, nothing says that the client should reconnect specifically to the Pineapple just because the Pineapple deauthenticated the client device.

On top of that, if you have an AP/SSID that you protect with WPA2 PSK and try to mimic that AP with your Mk7 using the open AP, you will never get clients to connect. You can't mimic an SSID and expect clients to connect as long as you don't have the same security on the mimicking AP as the original ("copied") AP has.

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