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payload.sh debugging/logging?


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When I plug my sharkjack I get nothing in the loot directory.    Just to start I'm using the default payload.sh scrip that comes on the jack.    Is there any debugging or logging I can look at to see what it does not like?    Nothing is being written in /var/log.

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Nothing that gets logged related specifically to the payload afaik. You can run logread to see events. Events tagged especially for the Shark can be viewed using: logread -e Shark   I guess you are connecting the Shark to the network the "common" way (via a switch port). There should be no real problem with that default payload and getting loot. Is the network restricted in any way? By MAC address making the Shark not able to connect? You can always try the payload I put up on my GitHub that "steals" the MAC address of an endpoint and then uses that MAC address when connecting to the network to run nmap and save loot. It worked when I wrote it, but I know the default Shark payload should work as well.


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