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LAN Turtle currently offline


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NewBe here. 

I can not connect to lantrutle.com, also ping does not work, update also does not show "Lan Turtle is currently offline". Both LEDs are on, scanning to the loopback address ( 

INB4 - my turtle is connected properly - green the LED is on, and the yellow LED - blinks.

What I did wrong?


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What address do you get from the network (you don't have to post it here, just make sure you get an expected IP address from the network you are connecting the Turtle to). Try to ping an IP address on the internet (for example, if that works, try to ping www.google.com, does that work as well?

And... from where are you trying to connect? Is it from within the Turtle text based "GUI" when trying to download modules?

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In both bash (cli) and Turtle (gui) it doesn't work.
Ping anything on the internal and external networks is not working:
ping google.com = bad address
ping = nothing (this is my internal network)

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OK, so, I guess you are connecting using ssh on the "USB" side of the Turtle, i.e. ssh to and then trying to get access to the network? I'm using that setup right now as I'm writing this and I have no problems ssh'ing into the Turtle and then accessing "outside" resources, i.e. ping to the local network works, as well as IP based ping and on domain names. I guess you have some issues with your local network then. Have you tried an alternative Ethernet cable, alternative ports in the switch, etc.? If you plug in another device (PC or such) to the network using an Ethernet cable, does that device have the same problems as well?

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"OK, so, I guess you are connecting using ssh on the "USB" side of the Turtle, i.e. ssh to and then trying to get access to the network? I'm using that setup right now as I'm writing this and I have no problems ssh'ing into the Turtle and then accessing "outside" resources, i.e. ping to the local network works, as well as IP based ping and on domain names". 
Yes, it is. This address and ssh (both WIn10 and Kali I tried). 

"I guess you have some issues with your local network then. Have you tried an alternative Ethernet cable, alternative ports in the switch, etc.?" 
Yeap, I just did it. And still nothing. 

"If you plug in another device (PC or such) to the network using an Ethernet cable, does that device have the same problems as well?"
No. Other computer works, with this same cables. I can ping and so on. 

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Hmmm, that is truly strange... Is the Turtle brand new out of the box or have you (or someone else other than you) done anything with it that puts it in a state that is different from an "out of the box" experience? Any modules downloaded before that is active? Is it on the latest firmware? Have you tried to reset it back to default settings using a factory reset?

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