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cant enable PineAP


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my PineAP always Disabled , when I enable it everything fine but when I navigate to (Networking) page just open the page no action taken , then go back to PineAP page it get Disabled, then I can't enable it again only if I reboot the device ! 

PineAP Daemon: Disabled


please help 

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I've had the same issue for awhile, I recently noticed that having no sd card in resolves my issues. While I may be late to the thread I will reply with updates if I ever have the time to figure it out.

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Do you have any experience involving problems with the SD card itself or has it worked as intended? I just started my Nano up after a long time not using it (just using the Mk7 nowadays) and I have no problems with either the SD card (as other have reported over time in the forum) or that PineAP refuse to stay enabled. It runs as expected. In what way are you powering the Nano? Does it get enough "juice" to make everything run problem free?

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I typically power the nano using the USB Y cable that it came with. The SD card itself will typically load pretty slowly, tested with two different SD cards too so I think it's just slow. I was considering a reflash to be safe, but I want to figure it out the issue before I try that.

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