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errors after recent firmware update - sys/class/leds/turtle:yellow:system/brightness: No such file or directory


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I've been setting up a turtle with c2 after doing a firmware update I'm getting 

sys/class/leds/turtle:yellow:system/brightness: No such file or directory

oot@turtle:/etc/turtle/modules# ./quickcreds start

Stopping DHCP Detect Blink Script

QuickCreds started.
LED will blink rapidly while QuickCreds is running.
LED will light solid upon NTLM hash capture.

If starting this module from the Turtle Shell menu,
press CTRL+C to return.
./quickcreds: line 128: /sys/class/leds/turtle:yellow:system/brightness: No such file or directory
./quickcreds: line 130: /sys/class/leds/turtle:yellow:system/brightness: No such file or directory
./quickcreds: line 128: /sys/class/leds/turtle:yellow:system/brightness: No such file or directory
./quickcreds: line 130: /sys/class/leds/turtle:yellow:system/brightness: No such file or directory
./quickcreds: line 128: /sys/class/leds/turtle:yellow:system/brightness: No such file or directory
./quickcreds: line 130: /sys/class/leds/turtle:yellow:system/brightness: No such file or directory

I've retried the update and it said I'm up to date.


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As the module says; there is no /sys/class/leds/turtle:yellow:system/brightness file on the Turtle

The only equivalent that is available is in /sys/class/leds/lan-turtle:orange:system/

Just comment out those lines (or actually three in total) and see if it works, It's just LED stuff (and yellow looks kinda odd since the Turtle just has green and amber/orange, but perhaps it's some color feature I'm not aware of), or... replace the "yellow" lines with the "orange" one to get the orange/amber LED of the Turtle to blink instead

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I commented out the line as suggested

I get permission denied if I try to run the orange option.

Hopefully just a bug in the current firmware.  The module uses the lights to show its finished so I left the last option in.

I suspect this firmware has a bug as when I have Loot streaming enabled on c2 it locks up c2.  I disable loot streaming and restart the device and I can connect ok.



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In what way are you hosting/running C2? I haven't used my Turtle for a couple of months, but I fired it up now and has loot streaming enabled (always on/already running) on my C2 instance and exfiltrated loot to C2 from my Turtle without any problems. No lockups or such.

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OK, try it, but adding virtualization to it all might complicate it though, if you have a separate computer it might be a better way (PC, Raspberry Pi, etc), but if you haven't and are proficient with VMs, then try that (I have executed C2 on an Android phone, but that isn't recommended at all)

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