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hi 🙋‍♂️ 

Im new to hak5 so sorry if I ask a stupid question.

does anyone know how I can make a captive portal or if there is an example where users can sign into the wifi network using instagram? 

I don't mean the stealing instagram credentials but a "follow me to use this wifi" kinda feature 

I want to use this on big parties in the future 

also does anyone know how many users can use the pineapple's wifi at the same time 


(Sorry for my bad English)


Kind regards Schelte.k 

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On 1/22/2021 at 11:26 PM, mr_subterfuge said:

This is actually a really cool idea. Don't apologize for asking about it. I can't help you, but I'm sure there is someone who can. Be sure to do some research on Github/GitLab to see if someone has already made something similar to your idea. 

Thank you! 

I’ll let you know if I find something 

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