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Mac OSX Exploits


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So as the topic implies I'm wondering about Mac OSX Exploits. I know OSX is unix based and all of that so exploits aren't going to be as common as windows exploits, but I figured there has got to be some out there

A few of my friends (and school) use Macs. Now I'm not trying to 0wn my schools network or anything like that, but admin access would be kinda nice, and my friends, well my friend recently played a very mean joke on me that involved me thinking I owned him $130 :shock: and resulted in me making my parents think the same thing, which didn't go over to well.

Luckily, I didn't end of having to pay him, but I would still like to get back, and root access would also be helpful for this. So if you know of any remote, or local OSX Hacks of 'Sploitz please chime in :)

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Local Access?: holding apple-s while the computer it booting... this passes "single user mode" to OpenFirmware/bootloader

this gives u root console access to the box. type "pwd" to change the password, u don't need to know the old one.

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So as the topic implies I'm wondering about Mac OSX Exploits. I know OSX is unix based and all of that so exploits aren't going to be as common as windows exploits, but I figured there has got to be some out there

A few of my friends (and school) use Macs. Now I'm not trying to 0wn my schools network or anything like that, but admin access would be kinda nice, and my friends, well my friend recently played a very mean joke on me that involved me thinking I owned him $130 :shock: and resulted in me making my parents think the same thing, which didn't go over to well.

Luckily, I didn't end of having to pay him, but I would still like to get back, and root access would also be helpful for this. So if you know of any remote, or local OSX Hacks of 'Sploitz please chime in :)

hehe hacking macs...good luck :P

get him back psycially. if some one gets u on computers...take it one step further...be better :D think bigger

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[off topic]

My uni uses Macs, and for that reason they have no firewalls, not interal sercuirity, DHCP lan access and loads of unguarded RJ45 sockets. Not sure why but the IT staff seem to not to think its needed!! They also have no blocks on accessing system settings!

Now, when I plugged in my laptop with a HD installed pentest linux and did a scan, what showed up were the windows based machines the office staff and some lectures use... which have no internal sercuirity because its behind the firewall... Now, has anybody seen my white hat?

[/off topic]

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Now, has anybody seen my white hat?


I heard that actually macs aren't quite that secure because they have some unix apps that have security problems. But to just think that you're using a mac and that is reason enough to not give any concern to security, you probably deserve to be hacked.

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Now, has anybody seen my white hat?


I heard that actually macs aren't quite that secure because they have some unix apps that have security problems. But to just think that you're using a mac and that is reason enough to not give any concern to security, you probably deserve to be hacked.

All i know about Macs is that the all powerful dual G5 tower cannot scroll a webpage without loudly caching to disk for some reason. And whats with the super loud fans that power up every 5 mins for no reason?

I know, it is hard to walk past our print machine (totally unsercured (they used string to attach it to the desk...) viao laptop, running a default XP setup in admin with no passwords set... WITH INTERNET ACCESS, AND NO ANTIVIRUS!!) without doing something nefarious.

What I think I'm going to do is compile a list of problems and nail it to the door of the "sysadmins" office. While i'm not going to cripple our entire IT dept 1 month before graduation, i know someone else will.

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Now, has anybody seen my white hat?


I heard that actually macs aren't quite that secure because they have some unix apps that have security problems. But to just think that you're using a mac and that is reason enough to not give any concern to security, you probably deserve to be hacked.

All i know about Macs is that the all powerful dual G5 tower cannot scroll a webpage without loudly caching to disk for some reason. And whats with the super loud fans that power up every 5 mins for no reason?

I know, it is hard to walk past our print machine (totally unsercured (they used string to attach it to the desk...) viao laptop, running a default XP setup in admin with no passwords set... WITH INTERNET ACCESS, AND NO ANTIVIRUS!!) without doing something nefarious.

What I think I'm going to do is compile a list of problems and nail it to the door of the "sysadmins" office. While i'm not going to cripple our entire IT dept 1 month before graduation, i know someone else will.

and this a ENGLISH Uni!? omfg lol

sounds like fun :D

you should change there DNS to point every website at goatse (sparda ;)) hehe

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a little confused here.

i thought pwd returned path and that passwd changed password.

you need to mount the drive as read write first.

depending on the version of os X the passwd command may not work in single user mode.

also if the mac is bound to a openldap network that is using the apple passsword server when a password is changed through the command line it just hoses the password and it must be changed again using workgroup manager this will occur even for local accounts unless disconnected from the network prior to boot.

on top of that using the root to login to a local comuter still won't allow you to add a networked user account to the admin group. again you have to use workgroup manager and if it is 10.4 you need the seperate database admin account&pass.

of course if you can gain access to the root account that is all you would ever need.

i know none of this will help but this is interesting.

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No it's actually really interesting, and I guess I have to rethink my plans, but thanks for the input

Besides I probaly won't end up doing it anyways. Not worth the trouble really. Like I said my main goal is to fuck up my dick of a friend. I know his root password too (because he's retarded) so a little command line, and a little rm should do the trick

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Can you mod OSX to look like Windows? That might be amusing...

I think there's a theme(or skin or whatever they're called on OSX) that makes it look like Windows. There's also a theme for windows that tries to make it look like OSX.

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