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Request for feature - lookup MAC vendor


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You can always dump the output and sort it yourself.

The implementation of OUI lookup that hak5 uses already is no different from any other industry standard analysis device. It's based on the kismet lookup routine I believe, but I'm not 100% sure of that. 

That being said, it's never been an exact science, but if you care you can update the OUI.txt file yourself, in the shell, straight from the source. http://standards-oui.ieee.org/oui.txt

IEEE does a reasonably good job of keeping it updated, but in my xp there is a lag between new devices hitting market and those being represented in OUI.txt.

I'm curious tho, knowing how easy it is to spoof MAC, why would you trust the OUI report in the first place? 


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On 9/25/2020 at 2:02 PM, SquirtMudbutt said:

I really wish Hak5 would add an option to sort by vender or at least show vender on the search results. I know I can roll over, but it would be a lot easier and faster to be able to just see the devices out there.

I agree - I'll see about working this into a future update 🙂

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