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I've recently started messing with Linux on my Dell Inspiron 1100. Now from everything I can tell, the default harddrive is always /dev/hda. But on my Dell it's /dev/hdc. Does anyone happen to know why? It's not effecting anything, I'm just curious.

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Open up the drive with a partition manager (Gparted i like, comes with ubuntu live CD) and see what the physical layout of the drive is?

Also, are you booting from a LiveCD or an installed linux system?

If its KDE, try going into the desktop options and checking the "show device icons" bit, had me stumped for a few mins first time i loaded up linux.

I have a dell, which also has /dev/hdc, its a compact flash drive i keep in there (full of drivers). Your system got a SD or similar slot in there?

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This doesn't have any thing to do with partions, I think it has some thing to do with the motherboard configuration. If it's hdc then it's probably the master driver on the second chain. hda would be master on the first chain, hdb would be slave on the first chain and so forth.

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Yeah as far as I know hda referes to the first physical harddrive, hda1 is the first partition on that harddrive. When i got my thinkpad it threw me off cause in the fstab i had to put /dev/sda in order to get my disks to mount. I think sda means SCSI device or something. But yeah, im guessing it's hdc on your dell because it's your 3rd disk.

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Is the linux distro a live CD or a HD installed linux? Dual booting? I said use a partition editor mainly because you can see what devices have what on them. What does /mnt/hdc actually have on it? Could be as simple as the devices plugged in the wrong/a different place?

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so /mnt/hdc/ is the master drive on the second ide channel?

/mnt/hdc is a directory

most likely it was created to be a mount point

I'm guessing you have a device called /dev/hdc, and in your /etc/fstab file you have a line that activates that mount. You can always force it to mount by #mount /dev/hdc -t ext2 /mnt/hdc ext2 is the file system format you have on that drive, replace accordingly with ext3 reiserfs, xfs ntfs vat fat or whatever.

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