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Which is the most stable Firware version?


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I have been banging my head against the wall over this for days now.

2.7 is hosed.

2.6.x has some issues, like Reporting Emails not working.

2.5.4 is where dev stopped for most of the modules, and supposedly has working Reporting email, but the sd card not mounting or randomly unmounting issue makes it unreliable as a drop box.

Does anyone have any suggestions on a stable version that has everything working properly, or is this just a "pick your poison" situation?

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Yes - describe what you mean by "hosed", carefully, methodically and also describing what your goal ultimately is.

2.7 is not hosed. It's the best.  When you blame the tool you are cutting yourself off from solutions.

Nobody cares if you think it's "Hosed".  People may care if you describe what you want to do and how you go there.  It would also be more helpful to you if you looked at problems others had and how they got solved. You may get some ideas that way.   It's not a "pick your poison" situation - but neither is it fulfilling goals you can't even explain.

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Well, I don't feel like going through the many, many posts and comments relating to the issues related to 2.7. If you want to see what I am referring to, please do as I did and start with the 2.7 release thread and scroll through. Then, search 2.7 and see the remaining issues posted. I am not the first to have issues or complaints regarding this firmware update. I am not new to the Pineapple, it's use cases, or the modules. I have been utilizing the Pineapple since it's original incarnation when they first started implementing Jasager. I'm not mentioning this as a brag, only to demonstrate that my concerns are not those of a first time user.

One of the issues I have had is Evil Portal freezing the system in 2.7. Newbi3 has already seen my post about that. My other issues are around the modules not really being maintained after 2.5.4. I understand that is a third party dev issue, but a lot of the draw to the Pineapple is some of the outstanding work done by these devs. I use my Pineapple for more than just PineAP and Recon.

I have looked for solutions to the problems myself and many others have. There are none as development has not been consistent. I understand there are greater things going on in the world that is impacting dev, which is why I am not harping on the devs. I didn't ask for anyone to unhose 2.7, I asked if anyone knows of a firmware release that is stable will all options working at the same time.

So I offer to you, re-read my post, notice the question as well as some of the examples I cited for my complaints, and investigate the other issues the community has for 2.7. If you have any actual insight, I welcome it. If you only have unhelpful commentary to the structure of my post/question, keep it to yourself.

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Just unboxed my nano, and went with 2.6.2...so far, i have been able to follow the user guide, and have it setup as "FREE-SFO-WIFI", and passing all traffic through to one of my home wifi routers.

Just discovering the lack of 5ghz....guess that is why there is a "Tetra" .... Should have more closely RTFM.


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