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Dual boot linux & XP? here's how i did it:


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Finally figured it out, so i thought i'd share my expirence and see what i did wrong:

First Step:

Install Windows XP, or resize your hard disk partition. You need enough free unpartitioned space for linux, I used 4.5GB for this. Google for software...

2nd step:

Boot with an Ubuntu liveCD, it has GParted. With this I created an extended patition using the free space on the disk. I then created a partition of 3400mb in ext3, and used the remaining space as a swap partition, both inside the extended partition.

3rd step:

Installed linux (I chose a security distro called Back|Track (based on WHAX and Auditor)). I installed it to /mnt/hda5 and set it to put the MBR on /dev/hda5. This went threw with out a problem. (it has no option for /dev/hda5, you have to type it in.) If you edit the mbr on your XP partition, GOTO 10. From what i've found not even fixmbr or fixboot will help.

4th step: Rebooted, went straight back into windows. I then downloaded the util called BootPart from www.winimage.com. Its a CL util which allows you to copy the bootsector from the linux partition to a file like bootlinux.lnx. Copy this file to "c:" You then open your boot.ini with notepad and add " c:bootlinux.lnx=â€<name of linux>†" after the windows boot info.

Rebooted, I could now select windows or linux with the NT boot loader, and boot into each of them fine. Now I just need to get ndiswrapper working and i'm happy.

BTW: This is a shoddy "guide" at best, and is all just info i have gleaned from other sites (I would suggest reading them and not trusting me). This method is probally the fastest if your a total *nix n00b like myself.

I read:





googled like hell

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That wasn't how I would do it, although, a unique and mabey interesting way of holding the bootsecter on the windows partition and using the NT boot loader

My method, were I to duel boot.

Install windows, if it's XP or win2000 you can use the utility in the windows installer, otherwise, like if i were installing win98 or something really old and crappy like that, i would use a linux livecd and use fdisk and the mkfs utilities.

Make a fat32 or NTFS partition for windows. This would only be as big as i want my windows partition to be, then leave the rest free space.

Note that windows needs to be the first partition and it needs to be a primary partition, not on an extended partition, and it needs to be set active.

Then just install windows normally.

Then install linux to the empty space that you left earlier, and install grub to /dev/hda or /dev/sda if you have a SCSI device. Grub is a heaps better boot loader to use than the NT one, and the process of duel booting is made heaps easier cos you can easily adjust it just by changing /boot/grub/menu.lst

usually a gub config file something like this would do the job


root (hd0, 1)

chainloader +1


root (hd0,2)

kernel /boot/vmlinuz

initrd /boot/initrd.img

Note i just made up this this config file just now, just to descibe how I used to go about duel booting. It probably has syntax errors.

I don't duel boot anymore anyway, i just use linux.

But that's how i would go about it. This isn't a guide, just how I did it.

and probably a tiny bit easier than what Vako described.

If people really want it I could write up a guide and put it in the wiki, but there must be a million other guides out there describing how to install linux and how to duel boot, there wouldn't really be any point

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Do you need to move 100%? If your gaming and using adobe apps, then linux probally isn't for you. For coding, development hacking and modding linux is probally a must. I'd just get hold of a cheap 2nd PC or dual boot... There is more to computing that reinstalling your OS. Its about what you use a computer to do, doesn't matter what OS you use to acomplish that.

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For me it came really gradually. I started with upgrading my machine every so often. Eventually I had enough spare parts that adding a case would give me a new machine, perfect for server tasks. Started playing around with that machine while I kept the Windows box around for the actual work. When I was sufficiently comfortable with Linux, and felt that none of the apps I used had no Linux counterpart that would supply the same functionality in one form of another, I made the switch. Haven't regretted it since.

I still do the upgrade -> add case -> new machine thing, but after having 5 boxen at home I began giving them away to family and friends. There's only so much heat-producing systems you can put into a confined space without special cooling...

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Heh, its always fun when you bring a girl back and she's like "You have 4... computers? ....there *all* turned on... and why did you need 3 of them to play a CD?"... but in winter all you need to do is turn them all on and calculate PI, its cheaper than heating gas.

Linux is cool but i'm kinda tired of the bullshit politics that usually come with it. You need to make pragmatic honest choices in computing, especially when it comes down to the platfrom/os your planning on running.

What I intend to use linux for is more behind the scenes stuff, a HTML based MP3 sharing system for the house, that type of thing. That way i have my programs and apps on windows, and my always-on stuff running linux/bsd. Best of both worlds.

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Linux is cool but i'm kinda tired of the bullshit politics that usually come with it.

what bullshit politics?

The same politics that annoyed me about the $100 laptop scheme from MIT, the same stuff that crops up in the ill-informed fools that fill the comments scheme at digg or /.

Basically the linux fanbois who don't actually know anything about linux, or push it as a magic cure all solution that could fix your PC, world hunger and the middle east if it wasn't for M$'s money grabbing.

Don't get me wrong, i know linux (or something that comes from linux) is the future of computing. Just wish there as more pragmatism about it today.

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unfortunately microsoft has formed a generation of fools who are computer illeterate. dont get me wrong, i mean i understand the people who just wanna boot up and go, but they arnt the ones running linux.

I agree though.. I like linux, and i like bsd even more. However to get a linux/bsd box up to its full potential takes time and effort. Linux is not yet an ample substitute for windows for the average user. I think it is an awesome substitute, but then again ive gone through a few distributions, and some partition fuck ups.

vako do you have a aim acct i can message you on. I am interested to hear about what happened with your ubuntu fucking up your lap top. I just bought a laptop and put it on. I was sweating balls throughout the whole install process.

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You really shouldn't have to be computer literate to *use* a computer, fix one, maybe. This is where Apple has it right, John Doe doesn't want a computer to learn about anti-virus, spyware, phishing, OS migration, platform dependability, and maintinence. John Doe wants a computer he can turn on, check his email, sync his mp3 player and camera, "win" some junk on ebay and IM his buddies. Its the computers job to make that all seamless.

It should be like owning a car, you can drive one just fine without having a clue how the engine works. But MS, *nix and Apple are still all far from this goal, gonna be interesting to see what the chinnese can do with Linux. I doubt they can tolorate there computers run by american software for much longer, and 1.6 billion people is a damn big market when you set the prices.

My dad (wintel admin for 15years now) was in China this summer, installing bootlegged copys of XP on a police station computers in return for a speedy passport replacement lol. Why were the police using pirated copies of XP? The gov was sold XP home, and there crime fighting software was only for XP pro...

Not got AIM mate, we use MSN over here in europe, and what with my 3rd year uni work i'm kinda busy all the time. But if you want to PM me with any questions thats cool.

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unfortunately microsoft has formed a generation of fools who are computer illeterate. dont get me wrong, i mean i understand the people who just wanna boot up and go, but they arnt the ones running linux.

You have to remember 90% of the people using computers arn't geeks, and Microsoft makes sure everything they need to do on a PC is easy, and not overly complicated. It's all about getting the task done in the least amount of time. Linux/Unix will never make it to the home users desktop aslong as Microsoft is creating easy to use home software. Linux/Unix is far from user friendly. You just have to remember most computer users arn't geeks, and Microsoft knows this, that is why Windows is so easy to use.

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unfortunately microsoft has formed a generation of fools who are computer illeterate. dont get me wrong, i mean i understand the people who just wanna boot up and go, but they arnt the ones running linux.

You have to remember 90% of the people using computers arn't geeks, and Microsoft makes sure everything they need to do on a PC is easy, and not overly complicated. It's all about getting the task done in the least amount of time. Linux/Unix will never make it to the home users desktop aslong as Microsoft is creating easy to use home software. Linux/Unix is far from user friendly. You just have to remember most computer users arn't geeks, and Microsoft knows this, that is why Windows is so easy to use.

Well Os/X is easy to use, and i feel far superior to windows. I read an article that was theorizing that apple is moving away from the hardware part and concentrating on their operating system.

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You went about this all wrong. Linux has a built in bootloader. Why didn't you just use that?

You could have installed them in any order you wanted. You could have installed Linux first and then resized your hdd with the install wizard. Then you could proceed to install Windows and add that to the MBR.

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You went about this all wrong. Linux has a built in bootloader. Why didn't you just use that?

You could have installed them in any order you wanted. You could have installed Linux first and then resized your hdd with the install wizard. Then you could proceed to install Windows and add that to the MBR.

Not planning on using Linux as a primary OS, its not good enough for my needs yet, so this way i keep my linux install and windows 100% seperate, and i can nuke either without screwing the the other.

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First post a linux one

i have had duel boots for a while usally grabing isos from linuxiso.org, theres many to chose from and the distros are getting better each day. the main choose i tell people to try is Mandrake with a KDE desktop. Most people no geaks find it very easy a nice gui for installing and once they learn the new syntax concept they are happy. I have my 9 year old nephew on linux mandrake 10.1 which is duel botting with XP home. he set the dueal boot using lilo to boot to Mandrake as the first option. And he plays UT2004 (which he installed) on linux much easier than XP.

I agree with the statements winodws is the larger OS in the world however once you use LInux you find more and more reason to stay booted into it. is reason that comes to mind is opensoruce.

another i find is spyware, virus and other malware seems the script kiddies avoid linux more so your that little bit more safer. before i start a whole new agument on the most secure. Yes i know linux has bugs etc but they are patched a lot quicker and help is a lot more easier to find i.e miicrosft x amout of programmers and linux has the potential of the words programmers.

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First post a linux one

i have had duel boots for a while usally grabing isos from linuxiso.org, theres many to chose from and the distros are getting better each day. the main choose i tell people to try is Mandrake with a KDE desktop. Most people no geaks find it very easy a nice gui for installing and once they learn the new syntax concept they are happy. I have my 9 year old nephew on linux mandrake 10.1 which is duel botting with XP home. he set the dueal boot using lilo to boot to Mandrake as the first option. And he plays UT2004 (which he installed) on linux much easier than XP.

I agree with the statements winodws is the larger OS in the world however once you use LInux you find more and more reason to stay booted into it. is reason that comes to mind is opensoruce.

another i find is spyware, virus and other malware seems the script kiddies avoid linux more so your that little bit more safer. before i start a whole new agument on the most secure. Yes i know linux has bugs etc but they are patched a lot quicker and help is a lot more easier to find i.e miicrosft x amout of programmers and linux has the potential of the words programmers.

UT2K4!? WOW sounds cool ill have to try that on a fedora core 5 box

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o and VaKo rember google is your friend = http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q...earch&meta=

seems it can be done a few ways

Sorry dude, emulation and GIMP don't cut it, not for my needs just yet that is (photo and video editing and semi pro levels is not quite there yet on linux). When your dealing with 1GB TIFF images you need every last ounce of power you can get from your box.

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