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Hey there! I am getting started within the coding/cybersecurity/ceh/pentesting world. I have a friend who's very savvy at all things tech, and I know they prize their Hak5 gear because they take it with them literally everywhere, so I figured getting to know this community might be a good place to start and get some direction with the best place to begin learning things whether that's YT, opensource projects, just working toward certs, etc.

Thanks in advance for any and all help!


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Firstly, and I say this to be kind.

Learn to use a search function. There is already a massive topic on it. https://forums.hak5.org/topic/913-hacking-where-to-begin/

Secondly, what do you specifically want to do? Coding can have nothing to to with the others if you just want to code. Think on what you want to do, then research the hell out of it.

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