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I may have bricked my TETRA trying to run OpenVPN with a bridged connection.


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Okay so I setup OpenVPN, adding the auth.txt to the config and such, set it all up and it would run on my Tetra fine but devices connect to the router did not get their IP changed.

My setup is MacBook setup to share it's Ethernet connection (working) and a chrome book and ps4 bridged to the WI-FI of this Macbook.

So I use Tunnelblick to load my config and execute, again successful AUTHs, VERIFYs OK, IP established. Now my Macbook hooked to Ethernet still works and going through the VPN and changing it's IP. But all other devices go offline.

Is this a routing issue of making bridged traffic go through the VPN somehow? 

At one point messing with the protocols and configs, Tunnelblick did run sharing Wifi, connecting from the router to ethernet to ps4. Wireshark showed only communication between my router and a single VPN server. When it stopped working like that I tried to reload the configs on Tetra


and I issued 'service openvpn start' and then instead of restarting and loading the config it just basically went in a cycle of all colors to blue blinking to online blue yellow to black offline again, repeat. Even after reset. I'll try a firmware update.

Any help plz?


thank youi

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Keep in mind you can always access your WiFi Pineapple's serial console - which will provide a bash terminal on the linux OS - right from the UART port. This is incredibly helpful for debugging as you'll see the system log live as the device boots and while interacting with the shell. Here's more on this feature: https://docs.hak5.org/hc/en-us/articles/360010555553-Serial-Access-WiFi-Pineapple-TETRA

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