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NMap for checking malicious hosts and urls


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I am trying to use NMap with Google Safe Browsing API to check if a host is malicious or not. I used VirusTotal API for the same purpose and it returned appropriate results but the Google API did not.

I am using Kali Linux on VM Ware Player. The commands I have typed are:-

1)nmap -p80 --script http-google-malware <target>

2)nmap $nmap -p80 --script http-google-malware --script-args http-google-malware.api=<API> <target>

To use VirusTotal API, I used the command - nmap -sV --script=http-malware-host <target> and it worked. 

I am expecting an output like given below:-

80/tcp open http |_http-google-malware.nse: Host is known for distributing malware

Please help me out.

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