InfoSecREDD Posted January 28, 2020 Posted January 28, 2020 Sharkjack.ps1 This is a rewritten (Windows) PowerShell version of Hak5's "". Compliments to Hak5 for the Device and the original script. I only take credit for rewriting the script to support Windows.Please Note: SharkLib Options are DISABLED until Hak5 merges SharkLib into the GitHub. If you are having problems getting the file to run. See Post #3. (If you have multiple SharkJacks, type "clearssh" in menu to clear your "known hosts" SSH File of the SharkJack's Fingerprint. Then try to reconnect using SSH via option #5) sharkjack.ps1 # Title: SharkJack Helper Script (PowerShell) # Author: Hak5 (rewritten for Windows by REDD) # Version: 1.2 # Remove for Debugging purposes. $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue" # Base Script Variables - DO NOT CHANGE Write-Host "Initializing... One Moment Please..." $console = $host.ui.rawui $console.backgroundcolor = "Black" $console.foregroundcolor = "Green" $colors = $host.privatedata $colors.verbosebackgroundcolor = "Yellow" $colors.verboseforegroundcolor = "Black" $colors.warningbackgroundcolor = "Red" $colors.warningforegroundcolor = "white" $colors.ErrorBackgroundColor = "DarkCyan" $colors.ErrorForegroundColor = "Yellow" $DIR = Convert-Path . # Script Variables $SHARKJACK_IP = "" $REMOTE_PAYLOAD = "root@$SHARKJACK_IP`:/root/payload/" $UPGRADE_FILE = '' $BASEFILENAME = "upgrade-1.1.0.bin" $FIRMWARE_SHA = "03638c7937a1718b6535116eac8b0a75f2a79054e61dc401af56b51da2044386" $PAYLOADDIR = $DIR+'\library' $MENU_SELECTION = 0 $CIRCLE = ([char]8226) Function Header_Ascii { Write-Host "" Write-Host " ########################################################" Write-Host "" Write-Host "" Write-Host " \_____)\_____ Shark Jack _____/(_____/" Write-Host " /--v____ __$CIRCLE< by Hak5 >$($CIRCLE)__ ____v--\" Write-Host " )/ \(" Write-Host "" Write-Host "" Write-Host " ########################################################" Write-Host " Windows Version by REDD" Write-Host "" } Function Initialize { $CONN_SUCC = 0 $LOOP = 0 while ($CONN_SUCC -eq 0) { $connection = Test-Connection "$SHARKJACK_IP" -Count 1 -Quiet If ($connection -eq $true) { Write-Host "SharkJack detected.." Start-Sleep -s 2 $CONN_SUCC = 1; } ElseIf ($connection -eq $false) { If ($LOOP -eq 0) { Write-Host -NoNewline "Please Connect the SharkJack in Arming Mode.." Start-Sleep -s 2 $LOOP = 1; } Else { Write-Host -NoNewline "." Start-Sleep -s 2 } } } } Function Download_Repo { Write-Host "Checking if Connection to Internet is possible with SharkJack connected." Write-Host "" Write-Host "Please Wait.." Write-Host "" $HTTP_Request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create('') $HTTP_Response = $HTTP_Request.GetResponse() $HTTP_Status = [int]$HTTP_Response.StatusCode If ($HTTP_Status -eq 200) { Write-Host " -> Connection established!" $Connection_Check = 1 } Else { Write-Host " -> Connection Failed!" $Connection_Check = 0 } If ($HTTP_Response -eq $null) { } Else { $HTTP_Response.Close() } Write-Host "" if ( $Connection_Check -eq 1 ) { if (!(Test-Path $PAYLOADDIR)) { Write-Host "Downloading Payload Library from GitHub.. Please Wait." $WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient $WebClient.DownloadFile("","$DIR\") Write-Host "Extracting Payload Library.." Expand-Archive -LiteralPath $DIR\ -DestinationPath $DIR Get-ChildItem -Path "$DIR\sharkjack-payloads-master" | Copy-Item -Force -Destination "$DIR" -Recurse -Container Get-ChildItem -Path "$DIR\sharkjack-payloads-master\payloads" | Copy-Item -Force -Destination "$DIR" -Recurse -Container Remove-Item $DIR\sharkjack-payloads-master -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-Item $DIR\payloads -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Write-Host "Cleaning up Repo Files.." Remove-Item -path $DIR\ -force Remove-Item -path $DIR\ -force Remove-Item -path $DIR\ -force Write-Host "Finished." Start-Sleep -s 2 } Else { Write-Host "Payload Directory is already present in current Folder." Start-Sleep -s 2 } } Else { Write-Host " Disconnect the SharkJack from the PC OR Set your Internet to" Write-Host " the correct configurations, and try again." Start-Sleep -s 15 } } Function Copy_Payload { if (!(Test-Path $PAYLOADDIR)) { Write-Host "No Payload Library downloaded. Starting Downloading Process." Start-Sleep -s 2 Download_Repo } Initialize $MAINFOLDERS = @(Get-ChildItem $PAYLOADDIR | Select Name | Sort @{Expression={$}} -Descending | Out-GridView -Title 'Choose a Directory' -PassThru | Select -ExpandProperty "Name") if (!($MAINFOLDERS)) { Write-Host "ERROR: Please Select a Folder."; Start-Sleep -s 2; Menu-Function } $PAYLOADSELECTDIR = @(Get-ChildItem $PAYLOADDIR\$MAINFOLDERS | Select Name | Sort @{Expression={$}} -Descending | Out-GridView -Title 'Choose a Payload' -PassThru | Select -ExpandProperty "Name") if (!($PAYLOADSELECTDIR)) { Write-Host "ERROR: Please Select a Payload."; Start-Sleep -s 2; Menu-Function } $SELECTED_PAYLOAD = $PAYLOADDIR+'\'+$MAINFOLDERS+'\'+$PAYLOADSELECTDIR+'\' Write-Host "Copying ->" Write-Host "Source Payload: $SELECTED_PAYLOAD" Write-Host "Destin Payload: $DIR\" Write-Host "Remote Payload: $REMOTE_PAYLOAD" Write-Host "" Copy-Item "$SELECTED_PAYLOAD" -Destination "$DIR\" Write-Host "Attempting to Push Payload to SharkJack.." scp "$DIR\" "$REMOTE_PAYLOAD" Write-Host "Finished." Start-Sleep -s 2 Menu-Function } Function Copy_Dir_Payload { $Current_Payload = $DIR+'\' if (!(Test-Path "$Current_Payload" -PathType Leaf)) { Write-Host "No $Current_Payload exists." Start-Sleep -s 7 } Else { Initialize Write-Host "Attempting to Push Payload to SharkJack.." scp "$DIR\" "$REMOTE_PAYLOAD" Write-Host "Finished." Start-Sleep -s 2 Menu-Function } } Function Connect_SharkJack { Initialize Write-Host "Attempting to Connect (SSH) to the SharkJack.." ssh "root`@$SHARKJACK_IP" Write-Host "Done." Start-Sleep -s 2 Menu-Function } Function Clean_Known_Hosts { Write-Host "Clearing old SSH Keys for SharkJack. Please Wait.." Get-Content $env:userprofile\.ssh\known_hosts | select-string -pattern "$SHARKJACK_IP" -notmatch | Out-File $env:userprofile\.ssh\ Copy-Item "$env:userprofile\.ssh\known_hosts" -Destination "$env:userprofile\.ssh\known_hosts.bk" Remove-Item -path $env:userprofile\.ssh\known_hosts -force Copy-Item "$env:userprofile\.ssh\" -Destination "$env:userprofile\.ssh\known_hosts" Remove-Item -path $env:userprofile\.ssh\ -force Write-Host "Removed old SSH Keys for SharkJack. Try to connect again via SSH." Start-Sleep -s 3 Menu-Function } Function Connect_SharkJack_Web { Initialize Write-Host "Attempting to Launch Browser to connect to SharkJack.." start "http://$SHARKJACK_IP/cgi-bin/" Menu-Function } Function Update_SharkJack { Write-Host "Checking if Connection to Internet is possible with SharkJack connected." Write-Host "" Write-Host "Please Wait.." Write-Host "" $HTTP_Request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create('') $HTTP_Response = $HTTP_Request.GetResponse() $HTTP_Status = [int]$HTTP_Response.StatusCode If ($HTTP_Status -eq 200) { Write-Host " -> Connection established!" $Connection_Check = 1 } Else { Write-Host " -> Connection Failed!" $Connection_Check = 0 } If ($HTTP_Response -eq $null) { } Else { $HTTP_Response.Close() } If ( $Connection_Check -eq 1 ) { $FIRMWARE_FILE = $DIR+'\'+$BASEFILENAME Write-Host "Downloading Firmware from $UPGRADE_FILE" $WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient $WebClient.DownloadFile("$UPGRADE_FILE","$FIRMWARE_FILE") Write-Host "Checking SHA256 of $FIRMWARE_FILE" $CHK_DOWNLOAD = (Get-FileHash -Path $FIRMWARE_FILE -Algorithm "SHA256" -ErrorAction Stop).Hash If ($CHK_DOWNLOAD -ne $FIRMWARE_SHA) { Write-Host "SHA265 DOES NOT MATCH! Deleting $BASEFILENAME" del "$FIRMWARE_FILE" Write-Host "Done. Please Retry again." Start-Sleep -s 5 Menu-Function } Else { Write-Host "SHA256 Matches! Continuing Upgrade.." Write-Host "" Write-Host "Attempting to start the Upgrade Process.." Write-Host "------------------------------------------------------" Write-Host "PLEASE ONLY DO THIS IF YOU KNOW WHAT VERSION YOUR" Write-Host "SHARKJACK IS ON." Write-Host "" $Confirm_Update = Read-Host "THIS WILL ERASE EVERYTHING ON THE SHARKJACK! ARE YOU SURE? (y/[N])" Switch ($Confirm_Update) { Y {Write-host "Confirmed!"; $Update_Confirm_Status = 1} N {Write-Host "Not Confirmed!"; $Update_Confirm_Status = 0} Default {Write-Host "No Input detected. Defaulting to NO."; $Update_Confirm_Status = 0} } If ( $Update_Confirm_Status -eq 1 ) { Initialize Write-Host "Wait 5-10 minutes as the Shark Jack flashes the firmware and reboots." Write-Host "DO NOT unplug the device from USB power during this process as doing so will render the device inoperable." Write-Host "" Write-Host "Pushing $BASEFILENAME to SharkJack." scp "$FIRMWARE_FILE" "root`@$SHARKJACK_IP`:/tmp/$BASEFILENAME" Write-Host "Initializing Upgrade.." ssh "root`@$SHARKJACK_IP" "sysupgrade -n /tmp/$BASEFILENAME" Write-Host "Upgrade started.. Waiting 30s.." Start-Sleep -s 30 Write-Host "Wait for SharkJack to start in Arming Mode.." Write-Host "" Write-Host "Once SharkJack has shut itself down.. It will reboot." Start-Sleep -s 2; Initialize } Else { Write-Host "Returning to Menu." Start-Sleep -s 2 Menu-Function } } } Else { Write-Host " Disconnect the SharkJack from the PC OR Set your Internet to" Write-Host " the correct configurations, and try again." Start-Sleep -s 15 } } Function Cleanup { if (Test-Path $PAYLOADDIR) { Write-Host "Found $PAYLOADDIR.. Removing.." Remove-Item $PAYLOADDIR -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } if (Test-Path $DIR\ { Write-Host "Found Removing.." Remove-Item $DIR\ -Force } if (Test-Path $DIR\$BASEFILENAME) { Write-Host "Found $BASEFILENAME.. Removing.." Remove-Item $DIR\$BASEFILENAME -Force } if (Test-Path $DIR\ { Write-Host "Found Removing.." Remove-Item $DIR\ -Force } Write-Host "Everything cleaned up." Start-Sleep -s 2 Menu-Function } Function Disabled_Func { Write-Host "" Write-Host "ERROR: Sorry the Selection you made has been disabled." Write-Host "ERROR: Please contact REDD or Hak5 regarding this message." Write-Host "" Start-Sleep -s 5 Menu-Function } Function Menu-Function { $MENU_SELECTION = 0 clear Header_Ascii $type=Read-Host " 1 - [D]ownload Payload Library from GitHub 2 - Install SharkLib to Shark[J]ack 3 - Remove Shark[L]ib from SharkJack 4 - [C]opy Payload to SharkJack (Interactive) 5 - Copy [P]ayload from SharkJack.ps1 Directory 6 - Connect to SharkJack [S]SH 7 - Connect to SharkJack [W]eb UI (1.0.1+) 8 - [U]pdate SharkJack 9 - [R]emove ALL Downloaded Files 0 - [E]xit Please select a # OR [L]etter and press ENTER" Switch ($type){ 1 {$MENU_SELECTION = 1; Download_Repo} D {$MENU_SELECTION = 1; Download_Repo} 2 {$MENU_SELECTION = 1; Disabled_Func} 3 {$MENU_SELECTION = 1; Disabled_Func} 4 {$MENU_SELECTION = 1; Copy_Payload} C {$MENU_SELECTION = 1; Copy_Payload} 5 {$MENU_SELECTION = 1; Copy_Dir_Payload} P {$MENU_SELECTION = 1; Copy_Dir_Payload} 6 {$MENU_SELECTION = 1; Connect_SharkJack} S {$MENU_SELECTION = 1; Connect_SharkJack} 7 {$MENU_SELECTION = 1; Connect_SharkJack_Web} W {$MENU_SELECTION = 1; Connect_SharkJack_Web} 8 {$MENU_SELECTION = 1; Update_SharkJack} U {$MENU_SELECTION = 1; Update_SharkJack} 9 {$MENU_SELECTION = 1; Cleanup} R {$MENU_SELECTION = 1; Cleanup} clearssh { $MENU_SELECTION = 1; Clean_Known_Hosts} E { Write-Host "Exiting.. Please Wait."; Exit } 0 { Write-Host "Exiting.. Please Wait."; Exit } } } Initialize while ($MENU_SELECTION -eq 0) { Menu-Function }
InfoSecREDD Posted January 28, 2020 Author Posted January 28, 2020 Launching the *.ps1 File: - Open up Notepad or any Text Editor of your choice. - Copy and Paste the following code in the Text Editor. @echo off cls PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File %~dp0sharkjack.ps1 exit /b - Go to "File", then click "Save As..". - Save the file as "launcher.cmd", and Save the File in the same Directory(folder) as the sharkjack.ps1 file. - Close the Text Editor and double-click on "launcher.cmd" file you have just created. Enjoy
zoro25 Posted September 20, 2020 Posted September 20, 2020 Hey REDD I just wanted to say thanks for this and all of the work you've put in to making the sharkJack a better tool
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