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How can this be 'covert' or how do I fix?


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I installed my screencrab direct between the HDMI on laptop and the monitor (since it miserably failed with the dock).

When I got it all operating, I found some lovely raster/artifacts which sort of prevent 'covert' usage.

I have a Lenovo P1 and a Samsung 4K 32" monitor.  And the candy sparkles are a lovely sign that the crab is in use.  I'd rather not see them.

Oh, BTW, I had to take a photo to get this as snagit and gyazo seem to ignore what is visible in these pics.




Oh... BTW: the crab captures fail to include these candy sparkles too.  So, they are of no use for this purpose (would that be 2 bugs?  The one inserting the noise and one failing to capture it?)

OOPS,  well I cannot see where I am to upload a pic... I will have to gyazo the photos taken with phone and provide a links (now, if that is not obfuscating nothing will be).


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