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[NEED FIX] Live scan not working


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Hello everyone, I've been playing around with a freshly acquired Wifi Pineapple Tetra. I upgraded, did a few factory resets and frimware reset too I there a two problems that need to be fixed.

The first one apparead with the firmware upgrade from 2.4.something to the latest 2.6.2. : The live scan results don't print. We need to do a scan, stop it and load the scan file to output the results. I have seen this issue a few times on the forums but no admin/dev here made any answer or fix. WE NEED TO FIX THIS. This feature is important for the field pentesting.

The second one is linked to wlan1mon. When I enable the PineAp, wlan1 goes into monitor mode and becomes wlan1mon. When PineAP gets disabled, the reverse operation is not done, making the red LED to keep blinking even though the PineAP is stopped.

Any admin or dev here could take a look at this please ?

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