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Shark Jack will not boot till plugged in


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I received my Shark Jack today. I charged the Shark Jack till the light turned solid blue. Then connected it to my laptop, Upgraded firmware successfully. Now if I disconnect it (fully charged) and go to any more (ARM or Attack). It will NOT boot up. If I connect the charging cable in any of these modes, it will immediately boot up in the desired mode. But I have to connect it to boot up. After boot up, if I disconnect it, its fine and will continue operating for a minute or two and then the light goes off.

Any ideas?


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I've got the same issue. I'm wondering if it's just a bad batch that got shipped out which happens with every vendor/manufacturer at some point. I've opened a ticket and we'll see where that goes. Hopefully a firmware upgrade to replace a faulty sensor reading but likely an RMA. At least it's not something critical like a heart monitor for a hospital. 🙂

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Is there an update now to resolve this issue. I had a friend who told me he had his replaced and still has the issue and now I see I am experiencing this after the firmware update. Based on a voltage test the battery is fine so I believe it is related to a software fix, any guidance to resolve this would be appreciated :)

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  • 3 months later...

Just received two Shark's and both refuse to charge. I've upgraded them to v1.1.0 and checked the battery which they both say is full. Neither will run without being plugged into power. Have these been in storage too long? Is there a faulty batch of batteries? Faulty firmware?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 6 months later...

I've got the same issues. Got my second Device today (with v1.0 and already existing nmap scan from 2019) with and without Firmware-Upgrade got the same problems... no Batterylife.

At this point this device is already useless for me.

My Question: Is it a Charge Problem or is it a Problem with all Devices? Then i get my Money back and im fine.


kind regards.

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I'd suggest creating a support ticket on the Hak5 web site. I haven't had any problems with my Shark at all so it can't be categorized as an "all Devices" problem. In what way do you charge your Sharks and with what power source?

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  • 1 year later...

How old is the Shark? When did you buy it? Recently or a while ago? How often have you charged it over time? Has it been laying around not being charged for a long time?

Does the LED show anything? Does it blink green when booting up in off/charge mode and then go solid green and then start to blink blue?

If you can access the Shark; what's the output of

ls -la /usr/bin/BATTERY


cat /root/VERSION


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