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Make Pandora's Jar Bookmark


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Hi there I'm new to the site but not to computers or Pandora. Basically I had an intriguing question. In Firefox, you CAN create bookmarks with the Javascript function, as in bookmarking:




and when the bookmark is clicked it opens a dialog box asking for an artist or music to search google with.

My question is that I would like to know how to create a javascript bookmark that opens a batch file? (The pandora.bat specifically so that I can make it an even shorter process to get Pandora's Jar running).

If this is already answered or the wrong place to post, sorry about it, I couldn't really find an answer or better place to post. Thanks.

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  • 11 months later...

I've been getting those errors for six months with one short interruption that is long forgotten.

Lets face it, we're beating a dead horse:  those who make it work can't share their configuration

even if they try as there's always something that slips thru which makes others search to no end.

Oh, it might work at some point, for some time...  but what we know for sure is that it will break

down again, as a consequence of the way Pandora's Jar has been designed and built, it seems.

Try the MeeMix thread instead, songs are pre-tagged before you'll even think of collecting them:


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pandora still works fine for me.

i posted many of the problems in the pandora installers thread

i use the pluginreg mod instead of grease monkey because it generally has less  problems

pandoras jar doesnt work with the latest firefox (main reason why i was trying to get firefox portable and normal firefox to run at the same time, that way everyone can have their normal firefox which they update and use flash 9, while the firefox portable runshflash 8 and all the recommended settings)

just have to find out how to get firefox and firefox portable to run at the same time

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