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SD Card Woes


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I need help getting my sd card to work so i can download more than 2-3 modules on the pineapple nano. I own two wifi pineapple Nanos, both are running 2.6.2, I have 4 different sd cards (lexar 4gb, san disk 16gb, san disk 32gb and a delkin 64gb)  I have a laptop running MAC OS Catalina, and Windows 10 through bootcamp, I also have a pc running windows 10 and kali linux. I have been unable to mount an sd card to either pineapple Nano. I have tried to format button in pineAP GUI (says successful but does not mount, the SD.org formatting application but does not work, and using linux command line to format usb disk. I was able to use Kali Linux to format the disk to EXT4. but when I use fdisk -l on the pineapple, I get no mass storage listed, Im not sure what I should do next. I followed a lot of similar troubleshoots in the forums about nano sd cards but so far, none have worked for me. Im starting to think Im special and not in a good way.

From debug file:

Bus 001 Device 004: ID 05e3:0745 Genesys Logic, Inc. Logilink CR0012
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0cf3:9271 Qualcomm Atheros Communications AR9271 802.11n
Bus 001 Device 005: ID 148f:5370 Ralink Technology, Corp. RT5370 Wireless Adapter
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 058f:6254 Alcor Micro Corp. USB Hub
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root                13.0M     13.0M         0 100% /rom
tmpfs                    29.1M    160.0K     28.9M   1% /tmp
/dev/mtdblock3            1.3M    280.0K      1.0M  21% /overlay
overlayfs:/overlay        1.3M    280.0K      1.0M  21% /
tmpfs                   512.0K         0    512.0K   0% /dev

As you can see below fdisk -l returns nothing,  and I have tried adjusting the fstab from default (this is just my most recent try)

root@Pineapple:~# fdisk -l
root@Pineapple:~# cd /
root@Pineapple:/# ls
bin        lib        pineapple  root       sys        var
dev        mnt        proc       sbin       tmp        www
etc        overlay    rom        sd         usr
root@Pineapple:/# cd etc
root@Pineapple:/etc# ls
TZ                    inittab               preinit
banner                iproute2              profile
banner.failsafe       localtime             protocols
board.d               modules-boot.d        rc.button
board.json            modules.d             rc.common
config                mtab                  rc.d
crontabs              nginx                 rc.local
device_info           openwrt_release       resolv.conf
diag.sh               openwrt_version       services
dnsmasq.conf          opkg                  shadow
e2fsck.conf           opkg.conf             shells
ethers                os-release            ssh
firewall.user         passwd                ssl
fstab                 php.ini               sysctl.conf
group                 php7                  sysctl.d
hosts                 php7-fpm.conf         sysupgrade.conf
hotplug-preinit.json  php7-fpm.d            uci-defaults
hotplug.d             pineape               urandom.seed
hotplug.json          pineapple             usb-mode.json
init.d                ppp
root@Pineapple:/etc# cat fstab
config 'global'
	option anon_swap '0'
	option anon_mount '0'
	option auto_swap '1'
	option auto_mount '1'
	option delay_root '5'
	option check_fs '0'

config 'mount'
	option target '/sd'
	option device '/dev/sda1'
	option fstype 'ext4'
	option options 'rw,sync'
	option enabled '1'

config 'swap'
        option device '/dev/sdcard/sda2'
        option enabled '1'
root@Pineapple:/etc# cd config
root@Pineapple:/etc/config# ls
autossh      firewall     landingpage  php7-fpm     reporting    system       wireless
dhcp         fstab        network      pineap       rtl_tcp      ubootenv
root@Pineapple:/etc/config# cat fstab
config 'global'
        option anon_swap '0'
        option anon_mount '0'
        option auto_swap '1'
        option auto_mount '1'
        option delay_root '5'
        option check_fs '0'

config 'mount'
        option target '/sd'
        option device '/dev/sda1'
        option fstype 'ext4'
        option options 'rw,sync'
        option enabled '1'

config 'swap'
        option device '/dev/sdcard/sda2'
        option enabled '1'
root@Pineapple:/etc/config# cd /
root@Pineapple:/# cd dev
root@Pineapple:/dev# ls
bus                 memory_bandwidth    mtd3ro              mtdblock3           ptmx                ttyATH0
console             mtd0                mtd4                mtdblock4           pts                 ttyS0
cpu_dma_latency     mtd0ro              mtd4ro              mtdblock5           random              urandom
full                mtd1                mtd5                network_latency     sda                 watchdog
gpiochip0           mtd1ro              mtd5ro              network_throughput  sdcard              zero
gpiochip1           mtd2                mtdblock0           null                sg0
kmsg                mtd2ro              mtdblock1           port                shm
log                 mtd3                mtdblock2           ppp                 tty


  • 5 months later...

Looks like you don't have any partitions on your sd card. That's why fdisk -l is coming up empty. You could also run the following to see partition info.

root@Pineapple:~# block info

You can make partitions with the fdisk command from your ssh console

root@Pineapple:~# fdisk /dev/sda

That should bring you to an interactive fdisk console where you can add some partitions. Probably one for your ext4 and a smaller one for a swap.

Then you can use the following to set up your new partitions

mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1
mkswap /dev/sda2

After all that I would run that block command again to see your progress

root@Pineapple:~# block info
/dev/mtdblock2: UUID="aaa5c26b-1a2d7b95-b821284f-fb82c9e4" VERSION="4.0" MOUNT="/rom" TYPE="squashfs"
/dev/mtdblock3: MOUNT="/overlay" TYPE="jffs2"
/dev/sda1: UUID="080f6ca2-3e2d-4427-88c4-775b1a51da16" VERSION="1.0" MOUNT="/sd" TYPE="ext4"
/dev/sda2: VERSION="1" TYPE="swap"

Then maybe another to see what the config should sort of look like.

root@Pineapple:~# block detect
config 'global'
	option	anon_swap	'0'
	option	anon_mount	'0'
	option	auto_swap	'1'
	option	auto_mount	'1'
	option	delay_root	'5'
	option	check_fs	'0'

config 'mount'
	option	target	'/sd'
	option	uuid	'080f6ca2-3e2d-4427-88c4-775b1a51da16'
	option	enabled	'0'

config 'swap'
	option	device	'/dev/sda2'
	option	enabled	'0'

That should at least point you in the right direction. Hopefully this helps someone. This is by no means all inclusive... and I definitely didn't spend all day working on it. ; )

Check out https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/storage/fstab for more info.



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