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So I'm new at the nano. Very new.  I managed to set up correctly on a window 10 and got as far as getting two modules. However I now cant get any modules, every time I try I get " Error connecting to WiFiPineapple.com. Please check your connection.

" My firmware is 2.6.1 however when I check for upgrades I get the same issue " Error connecting to WiFiPineapple.com. Please check your connection"

I can still recon and use PineAP etc, Any ideas?


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Basically he is saying you need to check your settings in "networking" section of the "webGUI" ( web graphical user interface). Once logged in on right the menu should have a option labeled "networking". Click on it and look for small section labeled "wifi client mode". 


It should have a click-able drop down menu labeled “interface". If you have plugged in the extra wifi adapter ( or a compatible one),  you should choose "wlan2" and click scan. Sometimes I have click to scan a couple times  in order for networks to properly show up (I'm on newest firmware). Once the network is shown in the "access point" click-able drop down input the password and click connect. If you put in correct password, you should now be able to hit "refresh" button after some time has passed. It should eventually now show you a ip address to the access point you are connected to. Now that you have a connection to a (Wan) network you should retry the module installations like you did before. Only this time it should have a list of available modules to put on the device 🙂 Hopefully I didn't use to much jargon and this helps... 

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