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QuickCreds - NTLMv2 Hash - Isn't recognized?!

Kevin Johnson

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Hello.  I have a bashbunny and when using quickcreds, I got the following in loot\quickcreds\T405020-1\HTTP-NTLMv2-


Hashcat will start processing it via brute force, but then again, when I try and use hashcat on another machine with a simple password, it doesn't grab it... so I'm not confident in hashcat.  

I try and use John the Ripper and it doesn't even recognize this as a valid format.

What am I doing wrong?  Is this not a valid hash?  Why are there 2 of the same entries???  I try and paste this on various online hash databases, and they all report it's an invalid/unrecognized format.


Please help, thanks!

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Hmm, maybe it is responder.  From smbserver a ntlmv2 hash that hashcat and john can recognize and smbserver is producing for me from a win10 machine should be:


I remember responder used to make the seed 0123456789012345 or something like that and smbserver uses 41 8 times.

You have an extra hash in there.


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Okay, I installed Reponder really quick so I can remember the output it gives and had my test win10 box hit it.  Yelp.  That is the correct hash format for responder.  I use Hashcat so I tried it and it matched my password.  Brute forcing will take forever if you are doing it without a wordlist and of course it will not be guessed it word is not in list that is password.

In hashcat you are looking for mode 5600  "-m 5600".

Following it up at the end here, I was blind.  Both hashes from responder and smbserver are the same.  The case difference threw me off.  I looked more carefully and they are identical so -m 5600 is the correct argument for hashcat.


I also forgot about the rule of the dollarsign at the end of the account.  Is that a hash of a service account?

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