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I have formatted my sd card successfully under the advanced tab in the nano interface but it is not mounted and I'm not given any options to save modules there. This is severely hampering my ability to to do any meaningful research.

I have used the search bar but nearly all the solutions are years old and I was led to believe the latest firmware would auto-mount. I have putty to SSH into the interface but I'm not sure what to do from there. Any help would be appreciated.

I have reduced my modules to two, URL Snarf and wps and neither, even when sat overnight, will download their dependencies. This is getting to be frustrating. I would love for some guidance here.


Here is what my file system table looks like if it is any help (I'm sure it's not):


config global
    option anon_swap '0'
    option anon_mount '0'
    option auto_swap '1'
    option auto_mount '1'
    option delay_root '5'
    option check_fs '0'

config mount
    option target '/sd'
    option device '/dev/sdcard/sd1'
    option fstype 'auto'
    option options 'rw,sync'
    option enabled '1'

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On 9/23/2018 at 7:35 PM, LivingL393nd said:

I see. Do they still support the Pineapple nano with firmware updates? Did anyone address this MicroSD issue before and did they say if or when they will fix it?

Same issue her , I cant install  Dependencies on both internal nor SD card ? 

On 8/12/2019 at 5:32 AM, Lo_Spettro said:

I have formatted my sd card successfully under the advanced tab in the nano interface but it is not mounted and I'm not given any options to save modules there. This is severely hampering my ability to to do any meaningful research.

I have used the search bar but nearly all the solutions are years old and I was led to believe the latest firmware would auto-mount. I have putty to SSH into the interface but I'm not sure what to do from there. Any help would be appreciated.

I have reduced my modules to two, URL Snarf and wps and neither, even when sat overnight, will download their dependencies. This is getting to be frustrating. I would love for some guidance here.


Here is what my file system table looks like if it is any help (I'm sure it's not):


config global
    option anon_swap '0'
    option anon_mount '0'
    option auto_swap '1'
    option auto_mount '1'
    option delay_root '5'
    option check_fs '0'

config mount
    option target '/sd'
    option device '/dev/sdcard/sd1'
    option fstype 'auto'
    option options 'rw,sync'
    option enabled '1'


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22 minutes ago, Aladeen said:

Same issue her , I cant install  Dependencies on both internal nor SD card ? 



dmesg shows the sd card is sda1 now. 

in /dev there is no sdcard folder. 

fstab points to /dev/sdcard/sd1. 

I'm guessing in this firmware the device id changed.  I changed the fstab to point to /dev/sda1 and manually kicked off mount -a from ssh.  The SD card then mounted to /sd and when I went to Manage Modules on the web interface it gave me the option to install to SD card.   

Now I'm not great at this but I see some stuff that needs to be fixed:

1: sda1 instead of /dev/sdcard/sd1. 

2: sda1 seems to randomly dissappear and reappear as sdb1: removing the SD and Re-Inserting it makes it go back to sda1.   

3: Booting with the SD Card inserted rarely makes the card show up at all so you will need to reseat the card, validate you have it in /dev as sda1, then mount -a. 

4: The script that formats the card all points to /dev/sdcard/sd1 so it wont work in this configuration either.

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these are the changes I made to get the card to work however the dependencies are still an issue


original config

config mount
    option target '/sd'
    option device '/dev/sdcard/sd1'
    option fstype 'auto'
    option options 'rw,sync'
    option enabled '1'

new config

config mount
    option target '/sd'
    option device '/dev/sda1'
    option fstype 'auto'
    option options 'rw,sync'
    option enabled '1'

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Alright this issue was plaguing me for an afternoon and I figured I share how I solved my problem:

I bought a 32gb micro SD card and formatted it to ext4 and expected it to work on the Pineapple Nano (ver 2.6.0). It didnt work. I tried then popping it in and then formatting it through the web UI (Advanced->USB->Format SD Card). That didnt work. This was through my linux laptop via usb to pineapple.

Two tabs to notice:


Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root                13.0M     13.0M         0 100% /rom
tmpfs                    29.1M    168.0K     28.9M   1% /tmp
/dev/mtdblock3            1.3M    272.0K   1008.0K  21% /overlay
overlayfs:/overlay        1.3M    272.0K   1008.0K  21% /
tmpfs                   512.0K         0    512.0K   0% /dev

USB ( the second field below devices):

config global
    option anon_swap '0'
    option anon_mount '0'
    option auto_swap '1'
    option auto_mount '1'
    option delay_root '5'
    option check_fs '0'

config mount
    option target '/sd' <-- this directory needs to exist in the pineapple (step #2)
    option device '/dev/sda1' <--- this needs to be changed to sd card the nano recognizes (step # 3)
    option fstype 'auto'
    option options 'rw,sync'
    option enabled '1'

#1 Connect to your laptop and pineapple via usb (take the male end of the nano, plug into the female end of the y splitter, then connect it to your usb port).
- SSH into it. Open up your linux terminal:
$ SSH root@@
- Enter your  nano's pw

#2 move one level up. In terminal enter:
$ cd ..
$ ls
and then you'll get

bin        lib        pineapple  root       tmp        www
dev        mnt        proc       sbin       usr
etc        overlay    rom        sys        var

notice that in the resource tab from the web ui there exists mnt,tmp,(etc etc) but not one for sd (default config value) in the config mount. so just make one through terminal:
$ mkdir sd

#3 ID your SD card, format it, then mount it.
find the name of your storage device. without your micro sd card inserted, type:
$ls -la /dev/sd*
take note of the device(s) listed
brw-------    1 root     root        8,   0 Aug 15 12:02 /dev/sda
insert the sd card and type the command again:
$ls -la /dev/sd*
root@FUCKWAD1:/dev# ls -la /dev/sd*
brw-------    1 root     root        8,   0 Aug 15 12:02 /dev/sda
brw-------    1 root     root        8,   1 Aug 15 12:02 /dev/sda1

so the device I want to mount is sda1, this might be different for your cards, take note of the name. I also learned that you can use fdisk -l and determine the device name by size.

The pineapple nano has a built in functions for formatting. For future reference if you guys want to see what other formats it understands you can use:
$ cat /proc/filesystems

Anyway, use mkfs to format the sd card to ext4
$ mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1

once it finishes, mount it:
$ mount /dev/sda1 /sd

Refresh the advanced tab of the pineapple ui and it should appear. You should then be able to navigate over to the modules tab and add modules and be given an option to install them on the SD card.

Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root                13.0M     13.0M         0 100% /rom
tmpfs                    29.1M    168.0K     28.9M   1% /tmp
/dev/mtdblock3            1.3M    272.0K   1008.0K  21% /overlay
overlayfs:/overlay        1.3M    272.0K   1008.0K  21% /
tmpfs                   512.0K         0    512.0K   0% /dev
/dev/sda1                29.1G     44.1M     27.6G   0% /sd

Hope this helps.

Here are also the resources I used:

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Dependencies will be an issue until the creators of the modules fix them for the major update the pineapple had.  These modules are not supported by hak5 and therefore are not on the top of hak5's list of things to do.  They are looking at it but it will probably take some time.  

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1 hour ago, EightBitOni said:

Just out of curiosity if I wanted to install nmap without installing the modules, is there a way to do that? would we have to install it in command line in the pineapple?

get the nano online, then run

opkg update && opkg install nmap

or if you need to install to sd

opkg update && opkg install nmap --dest sd

should get you sorted

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I apologize for not updating this thread sooner. I have resolved this issue with a new micro sd card and am now able to format and mount the card without issue. I apologize for not updating this thread sooner. Of course I cannot install the dependencies for any of the modules I've downloaded and I know this is an issue that is being worked on. I privately messaged INFOTRACE and he got me straightened out. Thank you so much for your efforts though, I've learned so much already and the knowledge you've lent in the posts above will help me to further customize my device. Thank you all so much. 

 I feel very welcomed here. I have a Bachelor's degree in Management Information Systems but I am realizing I have barely scraped the tip of the iceberg when it comes to ethical/whitehat hacking compared to the wealth of knowledge many of you individuals possess. 

I am here to learn and grow and want to absorb as much information as I can!  

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On 8/15/2019 at 4:07 PM, Just_a_User said:

get the nano online, then run

opkg update && opkg install nmap

or if you need to install to sd

opkg update && opkg install nmap --dest sd

should get you sorted

I tried this and it did not work, but that is ok I will wait for the updates. Also looking at the commands you gave me give me a better idea on how to get things installed on the pineapple. Thank you for that.

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