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What is the best way to *own* lot's of people?


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As some of you may noticed I have a evil signiture, witch toys with peoples emotions by saying not to click it, but they click it any way, and they get owned (muhahaha), what is the best way to get lots of people to click a link? (this is often the easist way of braking into a computer system, and so is related to the whole hacking theme)

Note: You can track the ownage here: http://sparda.hopto.org/file.txt

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As some of you may noticed I have a evil signiture, which toys with peoples emotions by saying not to click it, but they click it any way, and they get owned (muhahaha), what is the best way to get lots of people to click a link? (this is often the easist way of braking into a computer system, and so is related to the whole hacking theme)

Spam. That is the best way.

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<title>Aninote.com - 82_3_32_77 just got OWNED!</title>


<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">

<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=5,0,0,0" width="100%" height="100%" id="intro" align="middle">

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Or you view the file as text and see this... lol

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The idea is to leave the link in something that's relevant and interesting to the person in question. Go to a forum or blog or what have you, find a question, post an answer that seems valid, but is a tad light on content, then add the link and tell them to click it to learn more.

Make sure the link not only PWNS the individual, but also presents him or her with some valid info so he or she's oblivious to the pwnage.

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