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Trouble with firmware recovery

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Hello everyone,

I have had a WiFi Pineapple nano for quite sometime.  I have been having some problems here and there with it recently and wanted to do a firmware recovery as I see that is suggested frequently.  I follow the steps from https://docs.hak5.org/hc/en-us/articles/360010471774-Firmware-Recovery  but I am having a heck of a time actually getting into the pineapple at

I hold the reset button down for 10 sec, plug in to computer via a usb port while holding reset for another 10 seconds.  The nano has a solid blue light.  I am usually decent with networking but I cannot for the life of me figure this part out " From the host PC, configure a static IP address on the WiFi Pineapple facing Ethernet interface to with netmask "

My computer is connected through WiFi so I unplug my adapter.  I go to change my network adapter settings and I have 5 options: ethernet, ethernet2 (nord VPN tap), the nano, and two vmware network adapters.  I have tried setting the ethernet to with the correct netmask but I keep getting "connection timed out" or "unable to connect".  When use ipconfig (using windows 10), it says my nano has an autoconfig ipv4 address of, but in the adapter settings it has  Ipconfig also shows every adapter I previously listed as disconnected, minus the vmware ones.  I have changed each adapter one by one to but no luck. 

Can someone make a video for an easier walk-through or provide some other suggestions?  I feel like I should really be able to do something like this from the docs.


Thanks all, I appreciate it.

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